Directive 2009/140 - Amendment of Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services - Main contents
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official title
Directive 2009/140/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and servicesLegal instrument | Directive |
Number legal act | Directive 2009/140 |
Original proposal | COM(2007)697 ![]() |
CELEX number i | 32009L0140 |
Document | 25-11-2009 |
Publication in Official Journal | 18-12-2009; OJ L 337, 18.12.2009,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 13 Volume 050 |
Effect | 19-12-2009; Entry into force Date pub. + 1 See Art 6 |
End of validity | 20-12-2020; Implicitly repealed by 32018L1972 |
Transposition | 25-05-2011; At the latest See Art 5.1 |
18.12.2009 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 337/37 |
of 25 November 2009
amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities, and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 95 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (1),
Having regard to the Opinion of the Committee of the Regions (2),
Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251 of the Treaty, in the light of the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee on 13 November 2009 (3),
(1) |
The functioning of the five directives comprising the existing EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive) (4), Directive 2002/19/EC (Access Directive) (5), Directive 2002/20/EC (Authorisation Directive) (6), Directive 2002/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on universal service and users’ rights relating to electronic communications networks and services (Universal Service Directive) (7), and Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications) (8) (together referred to as ‘the Framework Directive and the Specific Directives) is subject to periodic review by the Commission, with a view in particular to determining the need for modification in the light of technological and market developments. |
(2) |
In that regard, the Commission presented its initial findings in its Communication of 29 June 2006 on the review of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services. On the basis of these initial findings, a public consultation was held, which identified the continued lack of an internal market for electronic communications as the most important aspect needing to be addressed. In particular, regulatory fragmentation and inconsistencies between the activities of the national regulatory authorities were found to jeopardise not only the competitiveness of the sector, but also the substantial consumer benefits from cross-border competition. |
(3) |
The EU regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services should therefore be reformed in order to complete the internal market for electronic communications by strengthening the Community mechanism for regulating operators with significant market power in the key markets. This is complemented by Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Office (9). The reform also includes the definition of an efficient and coordinated spectrum management strategy in order to achieve a single European information space and the reinforcement of provisions for users with disabilities in order to obtain an inclusive information society. |
(4) |
Recognising that the Internet is essential for education and for the practical exercise of freedom of expression and access to information, any restriction imposed on the exercise of these fundamental rights should be in accordance with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.... |
This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
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