Our crowd-sourced Xmas reading list

Source: N. (Neelie) Kroes i, published on Wednesday, December 21 2011.

Thanks to everyone who replied to my tweet on Monday! Happy reading (or watching in the case of the Nick Bilton book)

Most popular

Tie between Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman, and The Official Steve Jobs biography, Walter Isaacson

My picks

I live in the future and here’s how it works by Nick Bilton (Video about book)

Wiera Gran L’acusée, by Agata Tuszynska

Trois Femmes Puissantes by Marie NDiaye

Tussen twee vuren by Malin Persson Giolito

(I also read the Steve Jobs biography which really shows you different sides of the guy. He was a genius and a complex friend)

Your picks

Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky

The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption, Clay Johnson

Dark Market: CyberThieves, CyberCops and You, Misha Glenny

Wired for innovation, Erik Brynkolfsson and Adam Saunders

Deconstructing Digital Natives, Michael Thomas

Adapt: Why success always starts with failure, Tim Harford

Where Good Ideas Come From, Steven Johnson

Thunderstruck, by Erik Larson (about how a trans-atlantic murder investigation in 1910 showed the world the importance of radio)

The Cluetrain manifesto

How the World Was One, non-fiction history of telecommunications by Arthur C. Clarke

Mother Earth Mother Board: The hacker tourist ventures forth across the wide and wondrous on Earth (Wired article on how Silicon Valley is like the 1850s all over again)

Is your child safe online?

Fooled by Randomness, Hidden Role of Chance in Life and Markets, N Taleb

Internet architecture and innovation, BarbaraVan Schewick

Staal, Silvia Avalonne

Macrowikinomics, Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams

Ariel, Jack Bickham (about Artificial Intelligence)

Controversy corner

The cult of amateur - how today’s internet is killing our culture and economy, Andrew Keen

Free Ride, How the Internet is Destroying the Culture Business Steven Levine

The Little Book of Plagiarism Richard A. Posner


Pillars of Hercules, Paul Theroux (Kindle edition) (paper)

The transylvanian trilogy by Miklós Bánffy (third book here)

Ik vind Met Bonzend Hart (I Feel My Heart Pounding) Willem Nijholt

Fup, Jim Dodge

Player One, Douglas Coupland

My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece, Annabel Pitcher

William Gibson’s Neuromancer trilogy (third book here)

Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel

Alone Together, Sherry Turkle


Crimea, Orlando Figes

Papa Puerco, Terry Pratchett