I’ll be Tweet-chatting next Monday, 30 January

Source: N. (Neelie) Kroes i, published on Thursday, January 26 2012.

I’m really positive about how the Internet helps - not just one-way communication - but genuine interaction. So I am happy to announce that I will have another tweetchat on Monday 30 January 3 to 3.30pm (Brussels time). Anyone can join in. This is an opportunity for you to send in comments or questions on my recent announcement on cloud computing, on privacy online, and on the Commission’s recent proposal to revise data protection rules across Europe (on which my blog is here).

This is why I would like to get your questions and comments on these issues - and of course others. Just send me a tweet from any time now - using the #askneelie hashtag - and I’ll do my best to respond on Monday. I look forward to a great live-chat with all of you!