A call for action to help an ageing population: we want your help!

Source: N. (Neelie) Kroes i, published on Thursday, March 1 2012.

A call for action to help an ageing population: we want your help!2.7510

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Bron: Blogs PoMo

Europe is getting older. Over the next 50 years, the number of over-65s is going to double; in the future, millions of Europeans could be over 100.

That’s a tribute to medical science. But also a challenge. I’m one of those over-65s: I know that as we get older we all want to know we’ll be cared for. But caring for that population will take resources: and governments need to account for that, even in (or perhaps because of) these times of austerity. But it’s not just about government costs: elderly people have so much to give - and keeping them able to give is a great benefit for our economy and society, and not least for the elderly themselves.

Make no mistake: modernising health and pension systems is already a big priority in this time of crisis. If we don’t take action, at some point we might suddenly find that we can’t have healthcare for all, or that pension rights have been eroded. So we need to start implementing reforms right now.

And this is a great time for decisive action: both because all governments are looking closely at spending, and because 2012 is the Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations.

What’s more: now’s a good time to start thinking about new economic opportunities. The elderly are a huge growth market; they need innovative services and products. If we provide them, it’s good for EU growth and good for our citizens.

Well, you may wonder why the Commissioner for the Digital Agenda is concerned about this - let me tell you, it’s not only because of my age!

It’s because, if caring for this elderly population is going to be in any way sustainable, we’re going to need to get smart and find new solutions. Solutions that are more affordable - and which preserve (and even boost) the dignity and independence of elderly people.

Innovation and digital technology can do this: it can find solutions that help people keep their independence for longer, and that also are more sustainable and affordable to operate. Whether it’s preventing the falls that are so debilitating for older people, or remote monitoring, or helping people follow their prescription: technology can help.

But we need your help to do this.

Because it’s only by getting a lot of different actors together that we’re going to make a difference. Whether you’re in the technology sector, the health and care sector, or just someone who knows what kind of technology would make elderly people’s lives easier.

Yesterday we launched our formal “invitation to commitment” - a call for people to join in. Plus we announced that we’re going to create a “marketplace” for people to share innovative ideas. If you’re ready to share ideas or even sign up to one of the specific actions of our Strategic Implementation Plan, we want to hear from you now!