Every Romanian Digital: inspiring tales from Paul-Andre Baran

Source: N. (Neelie) Kroes i, published on Friday, March 9 2012.

I recently had the great pleasure to meet Paul-Andre Baran, Romania’s new digital champion. We talked about his many existing achievement in making rural libraries local internet hubs: like making it cheaper and easier to collect government subsidies, reconnecting separated families, and helping people find work - not to mention empowering women in rural communities.

Here’s a short video of our chat. It’s an inspiring example, just in case there’s anyone yet to be convinced of what we could achieve - economically and socially - if we got every European Digital.

So congratulations to Romania for being the first country to respond to my call for digital champions across Europe. Based on our first meeting, you’ve made a great choice! I am looking forward to the remaining member states telling me who they plan to appoint - so we can work together and bring these benefits to every corner of the continent. I hope people in those other countries, and in Romania itself, are as inspired by Paul-Andre’s stories as I am.