Rabbijn: Kosher slachten = Eco kweken

Source: R.R. (Ruard) Ganzevoort i, published on Friday, April 6 2012, 1:58.

In de discussie over ritueel slachten zijn vaak zorg voor dieren en godsdienstvrijheid tegenover elkaar gezet. Dat die twee elkaar niet uitsluiten, blijkt uit de woorden van de liberaal-joodse rabbijn Menno ten Brink:

“What do we need as Progressive, living and thriving Jewish community in our own European countries in the decades to come? We are facing an Europe that has opened its borders, where the distance between peoples and communities is made shorter. We face an increasing secular and individualized society, a tendency to move away from religion, rituals and being different. In the Netherlands at least, we have the discussions about shechita [...]. But Tzaar baalee chajim, is a basic principle in Judaism, caring for the animals, Freedom of Religion, is also a basic right, and we should stand firm in this. Progressive Jews should actively find new methods, to slaughter kosher, but with enough guarantee for the rights of animals; but also, we should stimulate eco-kashrut, where meat is only kosher if the animals are treated well before they die to be our food. Fair trade, kosher wood and products that came from sources where there is no child labor and slavery, and no oppression, because, we know the slavery and oppression ourselves. Moshe took us out there. That is what Jews should do, care about the world where we live.”

Religieuze tradities hebben een lange geschiedenis van aandachtig leven en verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor medemens en natuur. Vandaag de dag staan ze vaak per definitie te boek als conservatief en ongevoelig voor het lijden van mens en dier. Juist de progressief-religieuze stemmen laten echter zien dat spirituele inspiratie en religieuze tradities kunnen - nee, moeten - leiden tot een mens- en diervriendelijke levenshouding.