Persbericht plenaire vergadering Europees Parlement volgende week (en)

Source: European Parliament (EP) i, published on Friday, April 13 2012, 9:44.

A briefing on the main topics of media interest at next week's Strasbourg plenary session will be held today at 11 a.m. The week's events will be reviewed by Parliament's press service and the spokespersons of the main political groups. Due to the Orthodox Easter, the session will start on Tuesday at 5 p.m. and last until Friday.

Highlights of the plenary include:

  • MEPs will vote on new rules to govern the transfer of EU air passengers' personal data to the US authorities

  • MEPs will debate how to combat the economic crisis, especially in the Eurozone, with Commission President José Manuel Barroso i. ECB President Mario Draghi i is also invited. A debate on measures to combat tax fraud and tax evasion follows immediately thereafter

  • MEPs are set to urge the European Commission to step up monitoring of internet censorship by autocratic regimes, and call for better enforcement of children's rights and more cooperation with the International Criminal Court

  • Parliament will vote on a resolution saying that fuels should be taxed at rates reflecting their energy content and polluting potential

  • MEPs will debate developments in Syria, Mali, and Myanmar and also the EU's Black Sea strategy, with EU foreign policy High Representative Catherine Ashton i

  • Jordan's King Abdullah II will deliver a formal address on Wednesday at noon

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REF. : 20120413IPR42853