Decision 2006/856 - 2006/856/EC: Council Decision of 13 November 2006 establishing a Committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics (Codified version)

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Current status

This decision has been published on December 13, 2008 and entered into force on November 13, 2006.


Key information

official title

2006/856/EC: Council Decision of 13 November 2006 establishing a Committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics (Codified version)
Legal instrument Decision
Number legal act Decision 2006/856
Original proposal COM(2003)298 EN
CELEX number i 32006D0856


Key dates

Document 13-11-2006
Publication in Official Journal 13-12-2008; Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 10 Volume 004,OJ L 332, 30.11.2006,Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 10 Volume 004,Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 10 Volume 001,OJ L 335M , 13.12.2008
Effect 13-11-2006; Entry into force Date of document
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 332/21



of 13 November 2006

establishing a Committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics

(Codified version)



Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),

Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (2),




Council Decision 91/115/EEC of 25 February 1991 establishing a Committee on monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics (3) has been substantially amended (4). In the interests of clarity and rationality the said Decision should be codified.



There is a need to establish, as a section of the multiannual statistical programme of the Commission, a multiannual work programme in the field of monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics.



By Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom of 19 June 1989 establishing a Committee on the Statistical Programmes of the European Communities (5) the Council set up a Committee on the Statistical Programme of the European Communities, comprising representatives of the Member States' statistical institutes, to ensure close cooperation between Member States and the Commission whilst the statistical programme is established.



In Member States monetary and banking statistics are drawn up by central banks, and financial and balance of payments statistics are drawn up by various institutions, including central banks.



It is necessary, in order to achieve close cooperation between Member States and the Commission in the fields of monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics that the Commission be assisted, in drawing up and implementing the multiannual work programme relating to such statistics, by a Committee composed of representatives of the principal national institutions concerned.



Having regard to the specific role played in the Member States by the aforementioned institutions, it is necessary to allow the committee to choose its chairman.



There is, from the point of view of statistics, a close interdependence between the monetary, financial and balance of payments areas on the one hand, and certain other areas of economic statistics on the other hand.



The increased demand from the Member States and Community institutions for improved statistical information requires the enhancement of cooperation between the users and producers of monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics,


Article 1

A Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics, hereinafter called ‘the Committee’, is hereby established.

Article 2

The Committee shall assist the Commission in drawing up and implementing the multiannual programme of work relating to monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics. The Committee shall, in particular, have the task of expressing opinions on the development and coordination of the monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics required for the policies implemented by the Council, the Commission, and the various committees assisting them.

The Committee may be asked to express opinions on the links between monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics on the one hand, and certain other economic statistics on the other, in particular those on which national accounts are based. The work of this Committee will be coordinated with that of the Statistical Programme Committee.

Article 3

The Commission, on its own initiative, and, should the occasion arise, following a request from the Council or from the...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.


Original proposal



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