Regulation 2009/169 - Application of rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway (Codified version)
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official title
Council Regulation (EC) No 169/2009 of 26 February 2009 applying rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway (Codified version)Legal instrument | Regulation |
Number legal act | Regulation 2009/169 |
Original proposal | COM(2006)722 ![]() |
CELEX number62 | 32009R0169 |
Document | 26-02-2009 |
Publication in Official Journal | 05-03-2009; Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 07 Volume 019,OJ L 61, 5.3.2009 |
Effect | 25-03-2009; Entry into force Date pub. + 20 See Art 5 |
End of validity | 31-12-9999 |
5.3.2009 |
EN |
Official Journal of the European Union |
L 61/1 |
of 26 February 2009
applying rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway
(Codified version)
(Text with EEA relevance)
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community, and in particular Article 83 thereof,
Having regard to the proposal from the Commission,
Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament (1),
Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (2),
(1) |
Regulation (EEC) No 1017/68 of the Council of 19 July 1968 applying rules of competition to transport by rail, road and inland waterway (3) has been substantially amended several times (4). In the interests of clarity and rationality the said Regulation should be codified. |
(2) |
Rules of competition for transport by rail, road and inland waterway are part of the common transport policy and of general economic policy. |
(3) |
Rules of competition for those sectors should take account of the distinctive features of transport. |
(4) |
Since the rules of competition for transport derogate from the general rules of competition, it should be made possible for undertakings to ascertain what rules apply in any particular case. |
(5) |
The system of rules on competition for transport should apply equally to the joint financing or acquisition of transport equipment for the joint operation of services by certain groupings of undertakings, and also to certain operations in connection with transport by rail, road or inland waterway of providers of services ancillary to transport. |
(6) |
In order to ensure that trade between Member States is not affected or competition within the internal market distorted, it is necessary to prohibit in principle for the three modes of transport specified above all agreements between undertakings, decisions of associations of undertakings and concerted practices between undertakings and all instances of abuse of a dominant position within the internal market which could have such effects. |
(7) |
Certain types of agreement, decision and concerted practice in the transport sector the object and effect of which is merely to apply technical improvements or to achieve technical cooperation may be exempted from the prohibition on restrictive agreements since they contribute to improving productivity. In the light of experience following application of this Regulation, the Council may, on a proposal from the Commission, amend the list of such types of agreement. |
(8) |
In order that an improvement may be fostered in the sometimes too dispersed structure of the industry in the road and inland waterway sectors, exemption from the prohibition on restrictive agreements should also be granted in the case of those agreements, decisions and concerted practices providing for the creation and operation of groupings of undertakings in these two transport sectors whose object is the carrying on of transport operations, including the joint financing or acquisition of transport equipment for the joint operation of services. Such overall exemption can be granted only on condition that the total carrying capacity of a grouping does not exceed a fixed maximum, and that the individual capacity of undertakings belonging to the grouping does not exceed certain limits so fixed as to ensure that no one undertaking can hold a dominant position within the grouping. The Commission should, however, have power to intervene if, in specific cases, such agreements should have effects incompatible with the conditions under which a restrictive agreement may be recognised as lawful, and should constitute an abuse of the exemption. Nevertheless, the fact that a grouping has a total carrying... |
This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.
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- 1.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 2.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 3.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 4.See Annex I to this proposal.
- 5.OJ C
- 6.OJ C
- 7.OJ C
- 8.OJ L 175, 23.7.1968, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession.
- 9.See Annex I.
- 10.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 11.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 12.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 13.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 14.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 15.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 16.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 17.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 18.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 19.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 20.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 21.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 22.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 23.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 24.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 25.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 26.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 27.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 28.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 29.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 30.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 31.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 32.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 33.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 34.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 35.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 36.See Annex I to this proposal.
- 37.OJ C
- 38.OJ C
- 39.OJ C
- 40.OJ L 175, 23.7.1968, p. 1. Regulation as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession.
- 41.See Annex
- 42.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 43.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 44.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 45.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 46.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 47.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 48.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 49.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 50.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 51.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 52.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 53.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 54.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 55.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 56.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 57.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 58.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 59.See Annex 3 to Part A of the Conclusions.
- 60.COM(87) 868 PV.
- 61.Carried out pursuant to the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council
- 62.Deze databank van de Europese Unie biedt de mogelijkheid de actuele werkzaamheden (workflow) van de Europese instellingen (Europees Parlement, Raad, ESC, Comité van de Regio's, Europese Centrale Bank, Hof van Justitie enz.) te volgen. EURlex volgt alle voorstellen (zoals wetgevende en begrotingsdossiers) en mededelingen van de Commissie, vanaf het moment dat ze aan de Raad of het Europees Parlement worden voorgelegd.
- 63.EUR-lex provides an overview of the proposal, amendments, citations and legality.