Common standards and procedures for returning illegally staying third-country nationals

Source: J.A. (Jeanine) Hennis-Plasschaert i, published on Thursday, June 5 2008, 13:06.

in Nieuws

After three years of negotiations, yesterday Member States finally reached agreement on the so-called return directive establishing the return of illegally staying third country nationals as a rule. The directive promotes the principle of voluntary return and provides for a minimum but comprehensive set of procedural safeguards. It also sets conditions for the use of coercive measures, the re-entry ban as well as detention.

ALDE-spokesperson Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (VVD, Netherlands) supports the deal that was agreed upon by the Slovenian presidency and a majority of the parliamentary political groups earlier that day: "An effective, though fair and transparent, return policy is a crucial component of a well managed and credible policy on migration. If we want to push Europe's forward-looking strategy on migration, we simply cannot ignore the problems stemming from illegal migration.It is high time indeed to take up our responsibility and to introduce common minimum standards on a European level."