ALDE welcomes the launch of free trade negotiations with Japan

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Thursday, November 29 2012, 2:04.

The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, which has been tirelessly advocating in this direction for months, can only welcome the Council's decision today to grant a mandate to the European Commission to negotiate a free trade agreement with Japan. While the recession threatens the European Union, the development of international trade is a powerful engine for growth which gives more incentive for Member States to strengthen their industrial competitiveness.

Metin Kazak (Movement for Rights and Freedom, Bulgaria), ALDE coordinator in the Parliamentary Committee on International Trade, said: "The EU must increase and strengthen its position in Asia, which will be the largest economic zone of development in the years to come. Japan is a partner commensurate to the EU and the potential of a FTA is significant if one considers that Europe is already in trade surplus. European Democrats and Liberals trust the Commission to negotiate in the best interests of the Union. Moreover, as I have always said, opening negotiations in no way obliges us to conclude should the results be unsatisfactory. "

Hans Van Baalen (VVD, The Netherlands), Chair of the European Parliament's Japan Delegation added: "The EU must strengthen its position in Asia and these negotiations represent an opportunity to renew our historic relationship with a democratic, free-trade ally in Asia.

The EU Commission estimates that the completion of its free trade policy could lead to an increase of 2% in EU GDP (over €250 billion) and 2 million extra jobs. Two thirds of these gains would come from agreements with Japan and the US -

The European Parliament's position on trade negotiations with Japan -

ALDE Press Release