Hans Van Baalen urges Prime Minister Abe not to revise history

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Friday, February 15 2013, 2:24.

Dutch liberal MEP Hans van Baalen (VVD) has been leading a Delegation of the European Parliament to Japan this week to meet with Members from the Japanese Upper and Lower House for the 34th inter parliamentary meeting between the EU and Japan.

Co-chairing the meeting in Tokyo Mr van Baalen said: "Both the EU and Japan experience economic difficulties at the moment but given the reforms put in place by us and our Japanese friends I am optimistic that we will see a return to sound public finances in the near future.

Now it is necessary that we support this process by supporting higher growth prospects. Therefore it is important that the EU and Japan speedily agree on a free trade agreement to give a boost to our economies for growth and jobs."

Following these remarks Hans van Baalen voiced his concerns about the foreign policy of China especially with regard to territorial disputes: "China should acknowledge that disputes between countries have to be settled by international law not force. China is a big nation but only its compliance with the international legal order will make it a great nation."

While talking about the relation of Japan and its neighbours Mr van Baalen also urged Prime Minister Abe not to start any revision of the Kono declaration on the so-called comfort women: "The new government should make no attempt to revise history. The Kono declaration is and will be an important milestone for Japan and its peaceful relations with its neighbouring countries."