








Reporting Period 2009-2010



1........... INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 4

2........... DIRECTIVE 2000/30/EC.............................................................................................. 5

3........... DATA COMMUNICATED BY THE MEMBER STATES........................................... 5

4........... CONTENT OF THE INSPECTION............................................................................. 6

5........... STATISTICAL DATA.................................................................................................. 7

5.1........ Overall number of vehicles checked and their origin......................................................... 7

5.2........ Prohibited vehicles.......................................................................................................... 8

5.3........ Types of deficiencies and data by Member State........................................................... 10

6........... TYPES OF PENALTIES............................................................................................. 10

7........... CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................ 10

ANNEX I: DETECTED DEFICIENCIES PER INSPECTION POINT..................................... 12


  • 1. 

European legislation lays down a set of measures to ensure that commercial vehicles on European roads are in good condition in the interest of road safety, environmental protection and fair competition:

  • · 
    rules on admission to the occupation which require transport operators to have sufficient financial capacity to ensure the proper maintenance of vehicles (Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009[1]);
  • · 
    periodic roadworthiness tests of vehicles carried out in the Member States at fixed intervals, with a minimum frequency laid down at European level, for vehicles registered on their territory (Directive 2009/40/EC[2]);
  • · 
    technical roadside inspection, which is the subject of this report, ensuring that at any time commercial vehicles are used only if they are maintained to a high degree of technical roadworthiness (Directive 2000/30/EC[3]).

Under Directive 2000/30/EC commercial vehicles, their trailers and semi-trailers circulating on the territories of the Member States shall be subject to technical roadside inspections of their roadworthiness in order to improve road safety and the environment.

Article 6 of Directive 2000/30/EC provides that every two years Member States should communicate to the Commission the data collected relating to the previous two years concerning the number of commercial vehicles checked, classified in seven categories in accordance with the Directive and by country of registration, the items checked and deficiencies discovered. The Directive lists twelve different points (see section 4) that can be subject to a technical roadside inspection. Non‑compliance with the road safety requirements of any of the items checked could lead to banning the vehicle from the road. The deficiencies of the inspected vehicle should be mentioned in the inspection reports that must be given to the driver of the commercial vehicle. The Directive requests the Commission to submit a report to the Council and the European Parliament, on the basis of the data received from the Member States, on the application of the Directive together with a summary of the results obtained.

This is the third report on the application of Directive 2000/30/EC in the Member States; it covers the period 2009-2010. The data collected by the Member States relating to this period had to be communicated to the Commission by 31 March 2011 at the latest.

By this deadline only nine Member States had supplied information concerning technical roadside inspection. The Commission has since the end of March 2011 issued several reminders in order to obtain the maximum number of statistical data and to be able to present a complete picture in the field of roadside inspections in the whole Union. By the end of 2012, all 27 Member States had finally transmitted information on the implementation of Directive 2000/30/EC.

  • 2. 
    DIRECTIVE 2000/30/EC

Directive 2000/30/EC, as amended[4], lays down a number of conditions for carrying out technical roadside checks on commercial vehicles circulating in the Union.

A technical roadside inspection implies an unannounced examination of a commercial vehicle circulating within the territory of a Member State. The inspection by the authorities, or through another body acting under their supervision, is generally carried out on public highways.

Every technical roadside inspection should be carried out without discrimination on the grounds of the nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle, bearing in mind the need to minimise the costs and delays entailed for drivers and operators.

A targeted approach should be adopted in selecting commercial vehicles for technical roadside inspection, placing special importance on identifying vehicles that seem most likely to be poorly maintained.

If the condition of a commercial vehicle represents a safety risk such that further examination is justified, the commercial vehicle may be subjected to a more elaborate test at a testing centre in the vicinity. If a commercial vehicle with dangerous deficiencies presents a serious risk to road safety, its use may be prohibited until these deficiencies have been rectified.

  • 3. 

In order to facilitate communication of information as presented in Article 6 of Directive2000/30/EC, the Commission has together with Member State experts developed a standardised form for reporting. The majority of the reports from Member States followed the recommended form, even when printed tables were submitted. Using this standardised form for reporting greatly facilitates data collection; however, its use is not obligatory.

All Member States have communicated data for the period 2009-2010. Data, however, were not communicated in a timely manner. One year after the passing of the deadline of 31 March 2011, five Member States (Cyprus, France, Portugal, Sweden and Spain) had failed to provide data on the number of vehicles checked classified by category, country of registration as well as data on items checked and defects noted. After initiating pre-infringement procedures, these five Member States finally communicated the required data.

Table 1 provides an overview of the use of the recommended standardised form by Member States.

Table 1: Overview on communication of data

Member States that used standardised form. || Austria, Belgium1, Cyprus6,7, Denmark1, Estonia1, Finland5, Greece, Hungary1, Ireland1,2, Lithuania5, Luxembourg1, Malta1,6, Netherlands1, Portugal1, Romania1, Slovakia1, Sweden1, United Kingdom1.

Member States that did not use standardised form. || Bulgaria 1,4, Czech Republic, Germany 6,7, Italy4,6,7, Spain1,2,3, France 1,2,3,4, Latvia4,5,6, Poland 5,6, Slovenia 3,4,5,6.

1: No data on countries of origin outside the EU.

2: No data on all vehicle categories.

3: No data on inspection points.

4: Data submitted separately for 2009 and 2010.

5: No data for inspection points for all vehicle categories.

6: No data for inspection points on vehicles registered outside the Member State.

7: No data on vehicle categories for vehicles registered outside the Member State.

One can observe that those Member States using the standardised form of information collection reported a more complete set of data to the Commission.

  • 4. 

The points likely to be checked and to be included in the data sent by the Member States are at least those referred to in point 10 of the specimen report set out in Annex I to the Directive:

  • – 
    braking system and components;
  • – 
    exhaust system;
  • – 
    smoke opacity (diesel);
  • – 
    gaseous emissions (petrol, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG);
  • – 
    steering linkages;
  • – 
    lamps, lighting and signalling devices;
  • – 
  • – 
    suspension (visible defects);
  • – 
    chassis (visible defects);
  • – 
    tachograph (installation);
  • – 
    speed limiting device (installation);
  • – 
    evidence of fuel and/or oil spillage
  • 5. 

In order to get the comparable information on the vehicles checked by the Member States, it was necessary to break down the numbers for road trains and articulated vehicles into lorries and trailers as well as lorries and semi-trailers respectively. Figures resulting out of this splitting are put into italics throughout the report.

5.1.        Overall number of vehicles checked and their origin

The total number of checked vehicles amounts to 8,869,882 vehicles for the period of 2009-2010. In this period the number of commercial vehicles in the EU adds up to 72,264,857[5] vehicles. The ratio of checked vehicles reported for 2009-2010 to the overall fleet is 11.9% which corresponds to 5.9% of roadside commercial vehicle checks per year.

Article 3 of Directive 2000/30/EC lays down the non-discriminatory spirit of inspections to be performed. Several Member States, especially Belgium and Luxembourg report higher shares of foreign vehicles having been subjects to roadside inspection while other Member States with sagnificant transit traffic report a more balanced share of distribution of inspections among resident and non-resident vehicles. While this may be due to other factors unrelated to the nature of the inspection, the findings for Belgium and Luxembourg were similar in the previous report on the implementation of the directive.[6] The geographical situation of certain Member States such as Cyprus or Malta, also has to be taken into account.

Table 2: origin of vehicles checked

Reporting Member State || Registered in the Member State || Registered in other EU member states || Registered outside the EU || Total || % vehicles of the Member State

Austria || 14,199 || 13,874 || 3,452 || 31,525 || 45.04%

Belgium || 6,173 || 12,608 || n.a || 18,781 || 32.87%

Bulgaria || 685,349 || 96,056 || n.a. || 781,405 || 87.71%

Cyprus || 1,148 || n.a. || n.a. || 1,148 || n.a

Czech Republic || 44,067 || 24,164 || 553 || 68,784 || 64.07%

Denmark || 1,364 || 131 || n.a. || 1495 || 91.24%

Estonia || 2,867 || 155 || n.a. || 3,022 || 94.87%

Finland || 17,192 || 2,331 || 8,230 || 27,753 || 61.95%

France || 970,433 || 885,713 || n.a || 1,856,146 || 52.28%

Germany || 2,168,588 || 958,115 || 165,234 || 3,291,937 || 65.88%

Greece || 22,799 || 4,011 || 2,559 || 29,369 || 77.63%

Hungary || 456,338 || 91,115 || n.a. || 547,453 || 83.36%

Ireland || 6,102 || 159 || n.a. || 6,261 || 97.46%

Italy || n.a. || n.a. || n.a. || 35,654 || n.a

Latvia || 4,840 || 2,671 || 141 || 7,652 || 63.25%

Lithuania || 28,877 || 1,692 || 28,622 || 59,191 || 48.79%

Luxembourg || 182 || 982 || n.a. || 1,164 || 15.64%

Malta || 5,502 || 78 || n.a. || 5,580 || 98.60%

Netherlands || 3,725 || 1,697 || n.a. || 5,422 || 68.70%

Poland || n.a. || n.a. || n.a. || 1,658,996 || n.a.

Portugal || 802 || 68 || n.a. || 870 || 92.18%

Romania || 24,684 || 463 || n.a. || 25,147 || 98.16%

Slovakia || 16,402 || 4,436 || n.a. || 20,838 || 78.71%

Slovenia || 4,218 || 1,350 || 1,345 || 6,913 || 61.02%

Spain || 3,808 || n.a. || n.a. || 3,808 || n.a.

Sweden || 37,164 || 10,756 || n.a. || 47,920 || 77.55%

United Kingdom || 154,677 || 170,971 || n.a. || 325,648 || 47.50%

Total || 4,681,500 || 2,283,596 || 210,136 || 8,869,882 || 52.78%

5.2.        Prohibited vehicles

Vehicles with dangerous deficiencies that present a serious risk to occupants or other road users may be prohibited from further use until those deficiencies have been rectified.

According to the information sent by the Member States the proportion of vehicles prohibited in relation to all vehicles checked varies considerably from one Member State to another, from a high figure of 58.5 % in the United Kingdom to only 0.3 % in Bulgaria.

Table 3: proportion of prohibited vehicles in relation to all vehicles checked

Reporting Member State || Vehicles registered in the reporting Member State || Vehicles registered in the EU (including reporting MS)

Vehicles checked || Number of prohibitions || % of prohibitions(*) || Vehicles checked || Number of prohibitions || % of prohibitions (*)

Austria || 14,199 || 5,827 || 41.0% || 28,073 || 12,970 || 46.2%

Belgium || 6,173 || 436 || 7.1% || 18,781 || 1,155 || 6.1%

Bulgaria || 685,349 || 1,224 || 0.2% || 781,405 || 2,357 || 0.3%

Cyprus* || 1,148 || n.a. || n.a. || n.a || n.a. || n.a.

Czech Republic || 44,067 || 790 || 1.8% || 67,225 || 945 || 1.4%

Denmark || 1,364 || 31 || 2.3% || 1,495 || 31 || 2.1%

Estonia || 2,867 || 733 || 25.6% || 3,022 || 582 || 19.3%

Finland || 17,192 || 194 || 2.0% || 19,523 || 207 || 1.1%

France || 970,433 || 39,470 || 4.1% || 1,856,146 || 86,797 || 4.7%

Germany || 2,168,588 || 14,510 || 0.7% || 3,126,703 || 32,027 || 1.0%

Greece || 22,799 || 2,957 || 13.0% || 26,810 || 3,059 || 11.4%

Hungary* || 456,338 || n.a. || n.a. || 547453 || n.a. || n.a.

Ireland* || 6,102 || n.a.. || n.a. || 6,261 || n.a. || n.a.

Italy || 19,717 || n.a. || n.a || 24,059 || n.a. || n.a.

Latvia* || 4,840 || n.a. || n.a. || 7,511 || 602 || 8.0%

Lithuania || 28,877 || 196 || 0.7% || 30,605 || 219 || 0.7%

Luxembourg* || 182 || n.a. || n.a. || 1,164 || n.a. || n.a.

Malta || 5,502 || 2,578 || 46.9% || 5,580 || 2,877 || 51.6%

Netherlands || 3,725 || 66 || 1.8% || 5,422 || 173 || 3.2%

Poland || 1,658,996 || 8,506 || 0.5% || n.a || n.a. || n.a.

Portugal || 802 || 16 || 2.0% || n.a. || n.a. || n.a.

Romania || 24,684 || 9,675 || 39.2% || 25,147 || 11,604 || 46.1%

Slovakia* || 16,407 || n.a. || n.a. || 20,838 || n.a. || n.a.

Slovenia || 4,218 || 101 || 2.4% || 5,618 || 131 || 2.3%

Spain || 3,808 || 641 || 16.83% || n.a || n.a. || n.a.

Sweden || 37,164 || 2,285 || 6.1% || 47,920 || 9,103 || 19.0%

United Kingdom || 154,677 || 47,362 || 30.6% || 325,648 || 190,585 || 58.5%

Total || 6,360,218 || 137,598 || 2.2% || 6,982,409 || 355,424 || 5.1%

*These Member States reported number of failures instead of number of prohibitions.

The figures seem to indicate that targeted technical roadside inspections on poorly maintained vehicles enhance operational effectiveness and decrease administrative burden. Member States adopting this approach seem to have a higher capture rate of faulty vehicles with fewer checks than other Member States with a higher number of inspections. This is the case for the United Kingdom, Austria and Malta, which have the highest prohibition rate, while Bulgaria, Lithuania and Germany show the lowest rates for the prohibition of vehicles registered all over the Union.

5.3.        Types of deficiencies and data by Member State

The most frequent deficiencies detected during inspections concern the functionality of braking systems, the roadworthy condition of tyres and lighting systems (showing deficiency rates of 19.8 %, 15.9 % and 42.5% respectively). These figures highlight the importance of roadside inspections in relation to road safety. Comparing data with the previous reporting period these are the same problematic areas as reported before. (Annex I)

For emissions and leakages, which apart from the road safety hazard they pose potentially impact the environment, there has been a decrease of 1.5% in the ratio of spillage of fuel and/or oil (4.1% from 5.6%) since the previous reporting period. Emission deficiencies both for diesel as well as for petrol fuelled commercial vehicles have dropped but not in a significant way.

Even within the different test items — such as the braking system for example — considerable differences in deficiency rates were reported, ranging from 2.1% in Portugal to 48.3 % in the United Kingdom. This may be due to the different testing methods applied by the Member States. The Commission with its proposal COM(2012)382 final which is a part of the Roadworthiness Package introduced a legislative initiative aiming for a higher harmonization of testing methods applied during technical inspections.

Data submitted by Member States on the number of inspections made on vehicles registered in non-EU countries are still not sufficient to draw significant conclusions as to their roadworthy condition.

Annex II provides an overview of the number of vehicles checked from Member States by country of registration and the ratio of prohibitions issued.

  • 6. 

The Directive does not lay down a system of penalties for any infringements discovered. Penalties are to be laid down by the Member States without discrimination on grounds of nationality of the driver or of the country of registration or entry into service of the commercial vehicle.

If it becomes evident that a commercial vehicle presents a serious risk to its occupants or other road users, the authority or inspector carrying out the inspection is empowered under Directive 2000/30/EC to prohibit the use of a vehicle until the dangerous deficiencies discovered have been rectified.

Any serious deficiencies found in a commercial vehicle belonging to a non‑resident, in particular those leading to the banning of its use, must be notified to the competent authorities of the Member State where it is registered.

The competent authorities of the Member State that found the serious deficiency may ask the competent authorities of the Member State where it is registered to take appropriate measures such as subjecting the vehicle to a further roadworthiness inspection. There is, however, no reporting available on such cases.

  • 7. 

The yearly total number of vehicles checked represents 5.9% of the commercial vehicle fleet for the EU as a whole.

There has been an improvement of the number of Member States communicating statistical data as well as of the details included in those data since the previous reporting period. However, communication of data was not done in a timely manner and the Commission had to launch pre-infringement procedures against some Member States.

The Directive lays down the model for individual roadside inspection reports. As the Directive does not specify any format for the transmission of the statistical data, Member States communicate this information by very different methods, making it difficult to collate the results submitted.

For this reason the Commission has created a standardised electronic format for Member States to use. Not all Member States have, however, made use of it, rendering it difficult for the Commission to draw reliable conclusions on issues such as place of registration of inspected vehicles, the nature of the prohibitions issued, as well as for reporting the deficiency rates of commercial vehicles.

The data communicated seem to indicate that a few Member States appear to focus roadside inspections on vehicles registered outside their territory when compared to other Member States with comparable transit traffic. The reported figures show that the efficiency of technical roadside inspections can be increased through targeted checks. The administrative burden for both enforcement authorities and transport operators can therefore be reduced.

As regards the roadworthy condition of vehicles circulating on the territories of the Union, Member States are encouraged to pay particular attention to the categories of deficiencies that continue to be most problematic, namely braking systems, tyres and lighting systems.



NOTE: The figures reported below do not take into account the splitting up for road trains and articulated vehicles.

Checked Countries || Checking countries (number checked:% prohibitions)

AT || BE || BG || CY || CZ || DE || DK

Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || %

AE || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

AL || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

AT || 14,199 || 41.0 % || 101 || 1.0 % || 864 || 0.3 % || || n.a. || 458 || 0.4 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

AZ || 1 || 100.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BA || 174 || 60.9 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BE || 67 || 29.9 % || 6,173 || 7.1 % || 330 || 1.8 % || || n.a. || 17 || 5.9 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

BG || 761 || 50.9 % || 246 || 6.1 % || 266,621 || 0.5 % || || n.a. || 157 || 3.8 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

BI || 2 || 50.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BY || 91 || 62.6 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 141 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

CH || 144 || 51.4 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

CS || 361 || 52.4 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

CY || 18 || 38.9 % || 4 || 0.0 % || 520 || 0.0 % || 1,063 || 161.4 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

CZ || 2,051 || 41.3 % || 524 || 6.3 % || 4,498 || 0.3 % || || n.a. || 28,499 || 2.8 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

DE || 2,187 || 29.6 % || 1,864 || 4.3 % || 4,570 || 1.0 % || || n.a. || 1,958 || 0.5 % || 1,510,158 || 1.0 % || 59 || n.a.

DK || 22 || 27.3 % || 37 || 5.4 % || 73 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 6 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 1,066 || 2.9 %

EE || 34 || 32.4 % || 50 || 6.0 % || 306 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 157 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a.

EL || 95 || 64.2 % || 16 || 6.3 % || 4,214 || 3.1 % || || n.a. || 22 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

ES || 62 || 38.7 % || 650 || 7.5 % || 271 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 115 || 0.9 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a.

FI || 13 || 38.5 % || 20 || 5.0 % || 131 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 3 || n.a.

FR || 37 || 51.4 % || 1,649 || 4.7 % || 448 || 2.0 % || || n.a. || 51 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

GE || 3 || 100.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

HR || 246 || 43.5 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 20 || 5.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

HU || 3,378 || 51.4 % || 376 || 4.5 % || 5,431 || 0.3 % || || n.a. || 1,062 || 1.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

IE || 21 || 23.8 % || 54 || 1.9 % || 39 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 3 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a.

IN || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

IR || 5 || 40.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

IT || 668 || 40.3 % || 451 || 3.8 % || 557 || 0.4 % || || n.a. || 52 || 1.9 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

LI || 15 || 40.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

LK || 1 || 100.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

LT || 196 || 50.0 % || 347 || 7.8 % || 832 || 0.4 % || || n.a. || 319 || 0.6 % || || n.a. || 3 || n.a.

LU || 20 || 5.0 % || 542 || 4.1 % || 62 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

LV || 56 || 41.1 % || 61 || 9.8 % || 505 || 0.4 % || || n.a. || 241 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

Macedonia (FYROM) || 42 || 45.2 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MD || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 6 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

ME || 16 || 93.8 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MK || 5 || 40.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 13 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

Moldova || 42 || 59.5 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MT || 1 || 0.0 % || 7 || 42.9 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

NL || 258 || 27.9 % || 2,194 || 6.8 % || 3,667 || 0.5 % || || n.a. || 194 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 4 || n.a.

NO || 4 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

NotEU || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

OtherEUMS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 644,373 || 2.7 % || || n.a.

OtherNotEUMS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 115,704 || 2.4 % || || n.a.

PA || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

PL || 1,384 || 49.1 % || 1,406 || 6.9 % || 14,307 || 0.5 % || || n.a. || 3,961 || 1.5 % || || n.a. || 11 || n.a.

PT || 48 || 41.7 % || 313 || 7.0 % || 421 || 0.2 % || || n.a. || 14 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

PY || 1 || 100.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

RO || 1,835 || 53.8 % || 316 || 8.2 % || 21,191 || 0.7 % || || n.a. || 597 || 2.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a.

RS || 2 || 50.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 50 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

RU || 47 || 34.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 34 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

SE || 12 || 33.3 % || 35 || 8.6 % || 145 || 0.7 % || || n.a. || 8 || 12.5 % || || n.a. || 10 || n.a.

SI || 935 || 48.1 % || 225 || 4.0 % || 838 || 0.5 % || || n.a. || 53 || 1.9 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

SK || 1,510 || 49.5 % || 402 || 4.7 % || 2,964 || 0.5 % || || n.a. || 3,130 || 1.5 % || || n.a. || 1 || n.a.

SM || 0 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

SV || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

TR || 277 || 30.7 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 25 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

UA || 132 || 58.3 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 54 || 1.9 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

UK || 40 || 42.5 % || 223 || 5.4 % || 345 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 14 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 %

US || 1 || 100.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

ZM || 1 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

Checked Countries || Checking countries (number checked:% prohibitions)

EE || EL || ES || FI || FR || HU || IE

Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || %

AL || || n.a. || 285 || 28.1 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

AT || || n.a. || 30 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 9 || n.a. || 4,269 || 5.9 % || 3,089 || 3.9 % || || 0.0 %

AZ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 7 || 14.3 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BA || || n.a. || 22 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BE || || n.a. || 25 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 18 || n.a. || 78,515 || 5.0 % || 63 || 6.3 % || || 0.0 %

BG || || n.a. || 2,368 || 3.4 % || || 0.0 % || 55 || n.a. || 12,899 || 9.2 % || 4,100 || 4.9 % || || 0.0 %

BY || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 82 || 3.7 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

CH || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 2 || n.a. || 6,868 || 4.7 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

CY || || n.a. || 12 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 13 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

CZ || 3 || 0.0 % || 37 || 2.7 % || || 0.0 % || 38 || n.a. || 24,316 || 7.5 % || 6,317 || 5.0 % || || 0.0 %

DE || 1 || 0.0 % || 125 || 1.6 % || || 0.0 % || 147 || n.a. || 90,300 || 4.9 % || 2,786 || 2.5 % || || 0.0 %

DK || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 78 || n.a. || 2,692 || 2.9 % || 23 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

EE || 2,096 || 27.0 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 589 || 0.5 % || 3,249 || 6.8 % || 161 || 5.0 % || || 0.0 %

EL || || n.a. || 18,530 || 16.0 % || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 16,042 || 5.0 % || 216 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

ES || || n.a. || 1 || n.a. || 3,808 || 0.0 % || 9 || n.a. || 187,927 || 5.4 % || 198 || 3.0 % || || 0.0 %

FI || 24 || 8.3 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 12,474 || 1.6 % || 913 || 4.6 % || 5 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

FR || || n.a. || 1 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 11 || n.a. || 970,433 || 4.1 % || 100 || 12.0 % || || 0.0 %

GE || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

HR || || n.a. || 12 || 8.3 % || || n.a. || 4 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

HU || 1 || 100.0 % || 22 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 17 || n.a. || 14,014 || 6.3 % || 456,338 || 4.1 % || || 0.0 %

IE || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 2 || n.a. || 7,659 || 5.6 % || 60 || 3.3 % || 6,102 || 46.8 %

IR || || n.a. || 13 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

IT || || n.a. || 63 || 3.2 % || || 0.0 % || 6 || n.a. || 82,041 || 4.7 % || 1,289 || 6.5 % || || 0.0 %

KZ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 11 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

LI || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 3 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

LT || 17 || 23.5 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 91 || n.a. || 3,804 || 10.2 % || 1,359 || 8.1 % || || 0.0 %

LU || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 9 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

LV || 40 || 12.5 % || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 103 || 3.9 % || 18,004 || 4.4 % || 433 || 7.2 % || || 0.0 %

MD || || n.a. || 52 || 1.9 % || || n.a. || 7 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MK || || n.a. || 1,469 || 9.2 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MT || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

NL || || n.a. || 10 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 72 || n.a. || 58,187 || 5.5 % || 665 || 0.2 % || || 0.0 %

NO || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 12 || n.a. || 408 || 3.9 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

OtherNotEUMS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 51,983 || 5.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a.

PL || 27 || 14.8 % || 95 || 2.1 % || || 0.0 % || 212 || 2.4 % || 70,253 || 6.3 % || 15,022 || 7.1 % || || 0.0 %

PT || || n.a. || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 68,860 || 4.0 % || 17 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 %

RO || 1 || 0.0 % || 463 || 3.0 % || || 0.0 % || 15 || 6.7 % || 32,116 || 7.1 % || 30,910 || 5.3 % || || 0.0 %

RS || || n.a. || 109 || 3.7 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

RU || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 5,106 || 1.7 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

SE || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 165 || n.a. || 1,670 || 4.0 % || 130 || 0.8 % || || 0.0 %

SI || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 6 || n.a. || 7,610 || 6.0 % || 6,600 || 9.2 % || || 0.0 %

SK || 3 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 25 || n.a. || 23,759 || 6.2 % || 17,438 || 4.9 % || || 0.0 %

TR || || n.a. || 297 || 2.0 % || || n.a. || 19 || 5.3 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

UA || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 240 || 2.9 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

UK || || n.a. || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 9 || n.a. || 17,355 || 3.4 % || 111 || 1.8 % || 159 || 79.9 %

Checked Countries || Checking countries (number checked:% prohibitions)

IT || LT || LU || LV || MT || NL || PL

Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || %

AL || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 7 || n.a.

AR || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 23 || n.a.

AT || 111 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 2 || 150.0 % || || 0.0 % || 2 || 50.0 % || 6 || 0.0 % || 781 || n.a.

AZ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 142 || n.a.

BA || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 530 || n.a.

BE || 143 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 69 || 98.6 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 138 || 8.7 % || 295 || n.a.

BG || 324 || n.a. || 14 || 0.0 % || 20 || 120.0 % || 15 || n.a. || || n.a. || 20 || 5.0 % || 5,008 || n.a.

BY || || n.a. || 244 || 7.0 % || || n.a. || 18 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 24,737 || n.a.

CH || || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 188 || n.a.

CS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 356 || n.a.

CY || 10 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 3 || 0.0 % || 52 || n.a.

CZ || 202 || n.a. || 14 || 0.0 % || 15 || 120.0 % || 7 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 36 || 2.8 % || 20,660 || n.a.

DE || 267 || n.a. || 5 || 0.0 % || 149 || 120.1 % || 7 || n.a. || 2 || 50.0 % || 191 || 3.7 % || 10,745 || n.a.

DK || 13 || n.a. || 26 || 15.4 % || 2 || 0.0 % || 19 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 8 || 0.0 % || 383 || n.a.

EE || 15 || n.a. || 122 || 3.3 % || 4 || 100.0 % || 217 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 14 || 0.0 % || 7,766 || n.a.

EL || 174 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 9 || 0.0 % || 737 || n.a.

ES || 321 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 50 || 94.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 31 || 9.7 % || 1,174 || n.a.

FI || 12 || n.a. || 11 || 9.1 % || || 0.0 % || 16 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 2 || 0.0 % || 234 || n.a.

FR || 735 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 34 || 132.4 % || || 0.0 % || 1 || 0.0 % || 14 || 7.1 % || 216 || n.a.

GE || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 309 || n.a.

HR || || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 1,098 || n.a.

HU || 235 || n.a. || 8 || 0.0 % || 15 || 133.3 % || 5 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 18 || 11.1 % || 5,424 || n.a.

IE || 21 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 2 || 150.0 % || 2 || n.a. || 6 || 33.3 % || 8 || 0.0 % || 236 || n.a.

IS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 133 || n.a.

IT || 19,717 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 14 || 135.7 % || 3 || n.a. || 22 || 40.9 % || 12 || 8.3 % || 1,454 || n.a.

KG || || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1,051 || n.a.

KZ || || n.a. || 6 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 750 || n.a.

LI || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 420 || n.a.

LT || 72 || n.a. || 39,923 || 1.3 % || 10 || 80.0 % || 675 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 64 || 1.6 % || 43,678 || n.a.

LU || 39 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 112 || 119.6 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 9 || 0.0 % || 115 || n.a.

LV || 15 || n.a. || 317 || 3.2 % || 6 || 166.7 % || 4,840 || 12.4 % || || 0.0 % || 13 || 7.7 % || 13,987 || n.a.

Macedonia (FYROM) || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

MD || || n.a. || 8 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 4 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1,763 || n.a.

MK || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 623 || n.a.

MT || 12 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 4,958 || 52.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 4 || n.a.

NL || 128 || n.a. || 13 || 0.0 % || 26 || 92.3 % || 12 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 2,131 || 3.1 % || 2,549 || n.a.

NO || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 124 || n.a.

NotEU || 1,156 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

PL || 482 || n.a. || 833 || 5.9 % || 41 || 131.7 % || 285 || n.a. || 5 || 40.0 % || 246 || 4.1 % || 982,932 || 0.9 %

PT || 86 || n.a. || 0 || 0.0 % || 12 || 216.7 % || || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 13 || 0.0 % || 478 || n.a.

PY || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

RO || 302 || n.a. || 8 || 0.0 % || 18 || 133.3 % || 2 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 22 || 9.1 % || 5,971 || n.a.

RS || || n.a. || 3 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

RU || || n.a. || 861 || 2.8 % || || n.a. || 91 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 38,813 || n.a.

SE || 21 || n.a. || 5 || 20.0 % || || 0.0 % || 2 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 7 || 0.0 % || 438 || n.a.

SI || 221 || n.a. || 6 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 2 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 8 || 12.5 % || 2,280 || n.a.

SK || 287 || n.a. || 21 || 4.8 % || 26 || 92.3 % || 18 || n.a. || || 0.0 % || 18 || 0.0 % || 11,294 || n.a.

SM || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 6 || n.a.

TJ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 24 || n.a.

TM || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 14 || n.a.

TR || || n.a. || 2 || 0.0 % || || n.a. || 2 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 4,539 || n.a.

UA || || n.a. || 71 || 9.9 % || || n.a. || 22 || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 32,632 || n.a.

UK || 94 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || 6 || 16.7 % || 1 || n.a. || 7 || 71.4 % || 15 || 6.7 % || 201 || n.a.

UZ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 24 || n.a.

VA || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1 || n.a.

Checked Countries || Checking countries (number checked:% prohibitions)

PT || RO || SE || SK || SL || UK

Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || % || Checks || %

AT || || 0.0 % || 4 || 25.0 % || 42 || 40.5 % || 55 || 27.3 % || 22 || n.a. || 504 || 58.3 %

AZ || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a.

BA || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 224 || 2.7 % || || n.a.

BE || || 0.0 % || 2 || 0.0 % || 34 || 44.1 % || 2 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 2,164 || 68.3 %

BG || 3 || n.a. || 24 || 58.3 % || 120 || 154.2 % || 79 || 3.8 % || 83 || 6.0 % || 3,119 || 84.6 %

BY || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1 || n.a. || || n.a.

CH || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 4 || n.a. || || n.a.

CY || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 56 || 82.1 %

CZ || || 0.0 % || 12 || 8.3 % || 251 || 65.7 % || 552 || 31.3 % || 31 || 9.7 % || 5,012 || 66.3 %

DE || || 0.0 % || 10 || 20.0 % || 486 || 34.0 % || 24 || 12.5 % || 5 || n.a. || 5,977 || 51.9 %

DK || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 937 || 49.3 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 203 || 64.5 %

EE || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 393 || 54.2 % || 15 || 26.7 % || 1 || n.a. || 432 || 51.4 %

EL || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 6 || 33.3 % || 4 || 0.0 % || 1 || n.a. || 251 || 84.1 %

ES || 41 || n.a. || 8 || 62.5 % || 38 || 71.1 % || 6 || 0.0 % || 14 || n.a. || 8,293 || 79.4 %

FI || || 0.0 % || 1 || 0.0 % || 1,251 || 35.5 % || 3 || 33.3 % || 1 || n.a. || 25 || 32.0 %

FR || || 0.0 % || 5 || 20.0 % || 21 || 42.9 % || 3 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 2,613 || 57.2 %

GE || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 1 || n.a. || || n.a.

HR || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 236 || 2.1 % || || n.a.

HU || || 0.0 % || 142 || 32.4 % || 106 || 63.2 % || 303 || 23.1 % || 162 || 5.6 % || 4,778 || 63.2 %

IE || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 27 || 51.9 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 10,661 || 68.0 %

IT || || 0.0 % || 21 || 28.6 % || 5 || 100.0 % || 9 || 11.1 % || 61 || 3.3 % || 4,072 || 80.4 %

LT || || 0.0 % || 4 || 100.0 % || 425 || 82.1 % || 32 || 3.1 % || 18 || n.a. || 4,184 || 71.3 %

LU || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 6 || n.a. || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 225 || 62.7 %

LV || || 0.0 % || 2 || 50.0 % || 196 || 63.3 % || 12 || 8.3 % || 3 || n.a. || 694 || 64.7 %

MD || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 8 || n.a. || || n.a.

ME || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 3 || n.a. || || n.a.

MK || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 35 || n.a. || || n.a.

MT || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 3 || 100.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 81 || 92.6 %

NL || || 0.0 % || 10 || 30.0 % || 492 || 35.0 % || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 6,580 || 55.4 %

PL || || 0.0 % || 101 || 24.8 % || 1,932 || 80.4 % || 1,368 || 8.6 % || 145 || 2.8 % || 17,907 || 72.3 %

PT || 598 || 2.7 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 17 || 82.4 % || 0 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 3,193 || 85.2 %

RO || || 0.0 % || 20,879 || 46.3 % || 122 || 96.7 % || 196 || 18.4 % || 163 || 3.1 % || 4,916 || 86.4 %

RS || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 148 || 1.4 % || || n.a.

RU || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 15 || n.a. || || n.a.

SE || || 0.0 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 26,550 || 8.6 % || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 86 || 67.4 %

SI || || 0.0 % || 2 || 50.0 % || 37 || 48.6 % || 23 || 0.0 % || 3,469 || 2.9 % || 1,657 || 71.5 %

SK || || 0.0 % || 21 || 38.1 % || 103 || 63.1 % || 0 || 0.0 % || 97 || 2.1 % || 3,430 || 69.0 %

TR || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 12 || 8.3 % || || n.a.

UA || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || || n.a. || 17 || 5.9 % || || n.a.

UK || || 0.0 % || 1 || 100.0 % || 37 || 59.5 % || 1 || 0.0 % || || 0.0 % || 122,853 || 38.6 %

[1]               Regulation (EC) No 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 on common rules for access to the international road haulage market (recast), OJ L 300, 14.11.2009, pp. 72-87.

[2]               Directive 2009/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 May 2009 on roadworthiness tests for motor vehicles and their trailers (Recast), OJ L 141, 6.6.2009, pp. 12-29.

[3]               Directive 2000/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 June 2000 on the technical roadside inspection of the roadworthiness of commercial vehicles circulating in the Community, OJ L 203, 10.8.2000, pp. 1-8.

[4]               Commission Directive 2003/26/EC of 3 April 2003 adapting to technical progress Directive 2000/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards speed limiters and exhaust emissions of commercial vehicles, OJ L 90, 8.4.2003, pp. 37-40.

[5]               EU Transport in figures statistical pocketbooks 2009-2012, Eurostat. For categories: N1, N2, N3, N4, M2, M3, O3 and O4.

[6]               COM(2007) 270 final



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