Chips for Europe: presenting the EU’s new electronics strategy

Source: N. (Neelie) Kroes i, published on Friday, May 31 2013.

It’s been a busy few weeks - and the work we’ve been doing in electronics is a case in point.

Last week the Commission presented its strategy on electronics - a clear path to help this key sector stimulate tomorrow’s innovations. Including €5 billion of public research, development and innovation support over the funding period. (pdf of the strategy itself here).

And a couple of days ago I met the industry and regional and national ministers to seek their support - and present them with the early results of 5 major projects already underway. There was very clear, across-the-board support for my course of action. And I left with a new conviction that we can achieve something very significant in this area.

You can watch my speech below (or comment on the text here):

And for more info about those 5 projects - see for yourself here :

This sector is globally worth €230 billion, and growing at 5% a year even amid the crisis. But more importantly, it’s a sector that can enable and stimulate innovation and growth nearly everywhere else. You’ve probably got a good example in your pocket; but it’s for every sector, from industry to healthcare. We need that right now - and with the right support I’m convinced we can get there.