Russia must vacate Crimea or face tough sanctions

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Thursday, March 13 2014, 13:08.
alttekst ontbreekt in origineel bericht
Bron: Blog Hans van Baalen

MEPs today have approved a strongly worded resolution on the condemning the Russian illegal invasion of Crimea and the threat to the territory of a sovereign neighbouring state.

Hans van Baalen (VVD, the Netherlands), who negotiated the text on behalf of the ALDE Group, said that “it is more vital than ever that the EU speak with one voice to reassure all Ukrainians that they can count on our support in the face of Russian aggression.

Russia has brazenly flouted international law by threatening the territorial integrity of Ukraine under the guise of “protecting” the Russian speaking population of Crimea, this is a dangerous precedent and the EU must be prepared to take firm action."

“Following the Russian invasion of the Crimea, and flat refusal to take any steps to de-escalate tensions, effective sanctions against Russia are now necessary especially at this critical moment on the eve of the illegal referendum in Crimea this coming Sunday.”

He added “A political solution is needed that addresses the status of Crimea and Ukraine's linguistic minorities - but not at gunpoint. The message is clear - the EU must be prepared to follow through on its threats of sanctions if Russian troops do not vacate Crimea. However, there are no painless sanctions. To be effective, they will need to be felt in Moscow, hitting Putin and his military advisors.”

ALDE Press Release