Regulation 2014/312 - Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks

Please note

This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This regulation has been published on March 27, 2014 and entered into force on April 16, 2014.


Key information

official title

Commission Regulation (EU) No 312/2014 of 26 March 2014 establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks Text with EEA relevance
Legal instrument Regulation
Number legal act Regulation 2014/312
CELEX number i 32014R0312


Key dates

Document 26-03-2014
Publication in Official Journal 27-03-2014; OJ L 91 p. 15-35
Effect 16-04-2014; Entry into force Date pub. +20 See Art 53
01-10-2015; Application See Art 53
End of validity 31-12-9999


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 91/15



of 26 March 2014

establishing a Network Code on Gas Balancing of Transmission Networks

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005 (1), and in particular Article 6(11) thereof,




The urgent completion of a fully functioning and interconnected internal energy market which contributes to ensuring the supply of affordable and sustainable energy to the Union’s economy is crucial to the objective of increasing competitiveness and ensuring that all consumers can purchase energy at the keenest prices.



In order to move towards greater market integration, it is important that rules on gas balancing of transmission networks facilitate gas trading across balancing zones thus contributing towards the development of market liquidity. This Regulation therefore sets out harmonized Union-wide rules on balancing which have the objective to give network users the certainty that they can manage their balance positions in different balancing zones throughout the Union in an economically efficient and non-discriminative manner.



This Regulation supports the development of a competitive short term wholesale gas market in the European Union that enables the provision of gas flexibility, from whatever source, to offer it for purchase and sale via market mechanisms so that network users can balance their balancing portfolios efficiently or the transmission system operator can use the gas flexibility when balancing the transmission network.



Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 sets non-discriminatory rules for access conditions to the natural gas transmission networks with a view to ensuring the proper functioning of the internal market in gas. Market-based balancing rules financially incentivise network users to balance their balancing portfolios via cost-reflective imbalance charges.



Network users are to bear the responsibility of balancing their inputs against their off-takes, with the balancing rules designed to promote a short term wholesale gas market, with trading platforms established to better facilitate gas trade between network users and the transmission system operator. The transmission system operators carry out any residual balancing of the transmission networks that might be necessary. In doing so, the transmission system operators should follow the merit order. The merit order is constructed so that transmission system operators will procure gas taking account of both economical and operational considerations, using products that can be delivered from the widest range of sources, including products sourced from LNG and storage facilities. The transmission system operators should aim to maximise the amount of their gas balancing needs through the purchase and sale of short term standardised products on the short term wholesale gas market.



In order to enable network users to balance their balancing portfolios, this Regulation also sets out minimum requirements for information provision to implement a market-based balancing regime. The information flows provided under this Regulation therefore aim to support the daily balancing regime and seek to be a set of information to support the network user in managing its risks and opportunities in a cost efficient way.



In addition to the protection of commercially sensitive information, under this Regulation the transmission system operators should preserve the...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



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