Hoorzitting Frans Timmermans

Source: S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, published on Tuesday, October 7 2014.

Sophie in 't Veld stelde Frans Timmermans de volgende vraag:

"ALDE welcomes the new, innovative organisation of the Commission with a Cabinet of Vice Presidents. However, some candidates have indicated they will not accept the new two tier system.  What powers and what means do you have as a First Vice President to direct the other Commissioners? If the Vice Presidents have no real powers, then don't you think Junckers' Cabinet system is Dead on Arrival?

For ALDE European values are a key priority. In the face of fanatics worldwide, Europe should respond by making our democracy and fundamental rights more robust. You state you will enforce fundamental rights. But then you add a disclaimer: “taking due account of constitutional and cultural diversity”. Does this mean you will tolerate fundamental rights violations as "cultural tradition"? Will you turn a blind eye if a Member State systematically undermines democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in the name of national tradition? Will you be the lapdog of the governments, or will you be the champion of citizens' rights?"