Parlementaire vraag: Amerikaans inreisverbod Hongaarse vertegenwoordigers

Source: S.H. (Sophie) in 't Veld i, published on Wednesday, October 22 2014.

Vandaag diende Sophie in 't Veld parlementaire vragen in over de Amerikaanse sancties tegen Hongarije. De vragen krijgen steun uit liberale, sociaaldemocratische en christendemocratische hoek.

Hungarian and international media are reporting about an entry ban imposed by the US authorities on a number of Hungarian government officials, in connection with alleged charges of corruption.

Is the European Commission/Council aware of these measures taken by US authorities and has the Commission/Council been directly informed - or sought clarifications - by the Hungarian government or by the US authorities?

Does the Commission/Council consider such a measure is common in diplomatic relations between friendly nations and allies, and particularly if it is a proportionate and appropriate instrument in relation to corruption charges against officials of an EU country, and whether the entry ban will have an impact on transatlantic diplomatic relations and in particular against the backdrop of the TTIP negotiations?

Is the Commission/Council aware of any precedents or similar measures taken against officials of an EU member state by the United States, or vice versa, and does the Commission/Council consider such a measure in line with EU Visa rules and whether it could equally be considered towards US officials charged with corruption or other serious offences?

Medeondertekenaars: Josef Weidenholzer (S&D), Monika Hohlmeier (EPP), Cecilia Wikström (ALDE), József Szájer (EPP), Filiz Hyusmenova (ALDE).