On Human Dignity

Source: C. (Corina) Creţu i, published on Tuesday, November 25 2014.

The words that Pope Francis addressed today in Strasbourg to the members of the European Parliament and of the European Commission touched me in a way that few other speeches ever have.

And, judging by the trembling voice of the translator, I wasn’t the only one who was deeply moved when the Holy Father asked us: what dignity can there be for people who can be thrown away when they are no longer useful because they’re week, because they’re sick or because they’re old? What dignity can a person ever hope to find when he or she lacks food or the bare essentials to survive or, worse yet, doesn’t have the work which confers dignity?

Although he is the leader of an organisation that concerns itself with spiritual things, Pope Francis brought us all down to earth and reminded us of our fundamental duty, that of preserving human dignity by caring for the week, for the poor, for the abandoned, for the lonely.

We all needed to hear these words. And Europe certainly needs to hear this message.

