Talking digital in Strasbourg

Source: A. (Andrus) AnsipĀ i, published on Thursday, November 27 2014.

A lively debate at the European Parliament on the future of digital in Europe

I just returned to Brussels after a few hectic days in Strasbourg where I took part in a lively evening debate on the #DigitalSingleMarket (DSM) at the European Parliament. It was good to see some familiar faces - in a building that I know well from my own time as an EP Member - and to meet a lot of new people as well.

My speech focused on where we need to make urgent progress, especially on the single market in telecoms, which is an essential building block for the DSM. But it's not only telecoms, of course; as you'll see from the speech, there are many areas that require our immediate attention.

If I could sum up my message in one sentence, it's this tweet from last night on @Ansip_EU: 'without action on the DSM, the EU is not in the game'.

I very much enjoyed the animated debate that followed the speech, which led to its own swirl of comments and posts on social media, especially on Twitter. I spent a good deal of the return journey to Brussels catching up with it all, so thank you to everyone for being so involved and engaged.

I look forward to blogging again next week.
