EU Air Quality, Waste laws must not be watered down

Source: G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, published on Tuesday, December 16 2014.

The European Commission has today informed MEPs in the European Parliament that it will withdraw and revise draft air quality laws designed to reduce air pollution, as well as proposed waste laws that would have set EU Member States a target to recycle at least 70% of waste by 2030.

The ALDE group led calls for these measures to be spared.

Gerben - Jan Gerbrandy MEP, ALDE Coordinator on the European Parliament's Environment Committee commented today: "While I'm pleased these measures will no longer be "scrapped", we now have a fight on our hands to deliver an ambitious alternative. That fight will cost precious time and economic growth"

"The European Commission displays a complete lack of vision. The existing waste package would drive us towards a circular economy saving European industry more than €600 billion annually, according to the Commission's own services."

Fredrick Federley MEP, ALDE Coordinator on the Industry, Research and Energy Committee commented: "Given the challenges that Europe faces, it's very odd that the Commission has started its term by launching a sustained attack on Europe's health and environmental policies, which have the potential to not only save lives, but actually deliver significant jobs and growth.

”I expect the Commission as soon as possible table new proposals in line with the waste and air quality package. Every day without new proposals reduces confidence in the Commission's commitment to delivering a sustainability agenda.”

Photo: CreativeCommons, Wonderlane