All of us! Mobilising for abortion rights - Main contents
Sophie in 't Veld cordially invites you to the joint ALDE/S&D/Greens/GUE event:
"All of us! Mobilizing for abortion rights”, on Thursday 5 February from 10.00 to 12.30, room A3G3.
Experts on sexual and reproductive health and rights share their experiences and views on the regressive abortion policies in some EU countries (Malta, Poland, Ireland, Hungary) and regressive initiatives, such as One of Us.
The ‘All of Us’ event organized jointly by ALDE, S&D, Greens and GUE, is mobilizing support for maintaining, not restricting, access to safe and legal abortion.
A joint declaration will be presented at 12.00 by the participating MEPs.
European Parliament, Brussels
Room A3G3
10.00 Welcome and opening:
Ulrike Lunacek (Greens/EFA), European Parliament Vice President, European Parliament
Iraxte Garcia Perez (S&D), Chair, Committee Women's rights and gender equality
10h10 - 11h00 Panel 1 - Abortion rights under threats
Marie Arena, S&D coordinator, Committee Women's Rights & Gender equality (FEMM)
Presentations by:
-Irene Donadio, International Planned Parenthood Federation
-Neil Datta, European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development
Debate moderator/summator:
Ernest Urtasun, Greens/EFA
11h00 - 12h00 Panel 2 - Mobilizing All of us !
Malin Björk, GUE/NGL coordinator, Committee Women's Rights & Gender equality (FEMM)
Extract from documentary "El Tren de la Libertad"
Presentations by:
-Aoife Cooke & Claire Brophy, Abortion Rights Campaign, Ireland
-Aida Fuentes Concheso, Spain
Debate moderator/summator:
Sophie in 't Veld, ALDE vice-president
12h00 - 12h30 Presentation of Joint Declaration: #ALLofUS Mobilizing for abortion rights
Statements and presentation of the declaration by Iraxte Garcia Perez (S&D), Marie Arena (S&D),
Sophie in 't Veld (ALDE), Ernest Urtasun (Greens/EFA) and Malin Björk (GUE/NGL)
Viviane Teitelbaum, President, European Women's Lobby
Please register before Monday 02 February 2015, 12:00:
For more information please contact: orietta.pozzobon@ep.
Interpretation provided in DE, ES, FR, IT, & EN
Webstreaming here: