Your opportunity to give views on how to build a digital Europe: Ask Ansip

Source: A. (Andrus) AnsipĀ i, published on Thursday, February 12 2015.

Ask Ansip twitter chat on February 23: the Digital Single Market

As we continue to gather ideas for how to build a #DigitalSingleMarket, I'd like to let you know that I will soon hold another "Ask Ansip" twitter chat - on February 23 - to hear more of everyone's views.

During the last chat in October, I wanted to take an 'initial pulse' on digital issues. I certainly got a clear feeling of the ones that really matter to you.

This time I would like to turn it around so that it becomes a bit more like "Ansip Asks". So I want to hear your examples and evidence, your stories, and about your digital problems.

This will be highly beneficial for our work on the DSM strategy that will be presented in May.

It will help us to distil all the ideas down into realistic and achievable areas of action so that we can bring about real change - and get Europe truly connected and digital.

What kind of barriers have you come up against as a private internet user, or as a business?

What about buying and selling online, especially if another EU country is involved?

Have you been blocked from a website because of where you live? Send me a screenshot of what happened - I would like to see it.

Entrepreneurs: please tell me about the kind of problems and burdens you have experienced, especially when operating an online business across borders.

And for everyone: what would help you to improve your digital experience? Do you feel that the online services you use are safe enough - is your private data well enough protected? If not, why not?

We will be gathering your questions and views using the #AskAnsip hashtag - and we'll be answering as many as we can on February 23. The chat will begin at 1000 CET (Brussels time) and last for around one hour.

And there is another online possibility to make your views known because from the day afterwards - February 24, when the #Digital4EU conference will be held - a dedicated website will be opened as a forum especially for this purpose.

I will be using and presenting these views at an important debate that all European Commissioners will hold on the DSM strategy later in March.

I'm looking forward to your tweets. I am at @Ansip_EU
