Indonesië: stop met executies!

Source: K.P. (Kati) Piri i, published on Tuesday, March 10 2015, 4:22.

In Indonesië wordt tot op de dag van vandaag regelmatig de doodstraf opgelegd, ook voor drugsgerelateerde misdaad. Op dit moment zitten meer dan honderd gevangenen in de dodencel in Indonesië, waaronder ook vele buitenlanders inclusief de Nederlander Siegfried Metz.

Op 18 januari 2015 werd de Nederlander Ang Kiem Soei in Indonesië geëxecuteerd voor zijn betrokkenheid bij de productie van XTC. Dit ondanks verschillende pogingen van de Nederlandse regering en de Europese Unie om de executie te voorkomen. Ik ben van mening dat er in een democratische rechtsstaat geen plaats is voor de doodstraf. Daarom roep ik, samen met collega Europarlementariërs, middels onderstaande brief de Indonesische president Joko Widodo op om per direct te stoppen met de executies en de doodstraf in Indonesië af te schaffen.


We are writing to you as Members of the European Parliament, to urge you to use all your power as President of the Republic of Indonesia to halt all plans to carry out all executions, including those of foreign nationals planned to be carried out shortly.

This news is most concerning as it sets Indonesia against the global trend towards abolition of the death penalty and the country’s own progress in this area as an aftermath of the dramatic struggle at the turn of the 20th century, as the Indonesian people and its society progressed towards democracy and the respect for human rights.

There is no convincing evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than other punishments. We therefore are writing to urge Your Excellency to use all your power as President of the Republic and instruct the Indonesian authorities to establish a moratorium on all executions commuting all death sentences to terms of imprisonment and to push forward the legal framework for Indonesia’s abolishment of the death penalty. This gesture will certainly set a positive landmark in your presidency both in the eyes of the Indonesian people and the international community.

Yours sincerely,

Petr Ježek, MEP Czech Republic

Carlos Coelho, MEP Portugal

Jude Kirton-Darling, MEP United Kingdom

Maite Pagazaurtundúa, MEP Spain

Gilles Pargneaux, MEP France

Kati Piri, MEP Netherlands

Anne-Marie Mineur, MEP Netherlands

Helmut Scholz, MEP Germany

Norbert Neuser, MEP Germany

Eleftherios Synadinos, MEP Greece

Bronis Ropé, MEP Lithuania

Ignazio Corrao, MEP Italy

Laura Ferrrara, MEP Italy

Tiziana Beghin, MEP Italy

Péter Niedermüller, MEP Hungary

Elly Schlein, MEP Italy

Emilian Pavel, MEP Romania

Barbara Spinelli, MEP Italy

Pedro Silva Pereira, MEP Portugal

Jean Lambert, MEP United Kingdom

Miltiadis Kyrkos, MEP Greece

Franc Bogovič, MEP Slovenia

Jörg Leichtfried, MEP Austria

Ivo Vajgl, MEP Slovenia

Maria Grapini, MEP Romania

Anneliese Dodds, MEP United Kingdom

Marietje Schaake, MEP Netherlands

Carlos Zorrinho, MEP Portugal

Josef Weidenholzer, MEP Austria

Ricardo Serrão Santos, MEP Portugal

Martina Dlabajová, MEP Czech Republic

Mark Demesmaeker, MEP Belgium

Soraya Post, MEP Sweden

Kashetu Kyenge, MEP Italy

Eleonora Evi, MEP Italy

Javier Nart, MEP Spain

Ana Gomes, MEP Portugal