Sui migranti si gioca l'integrazione Ue
Source: F. (Federica) Mogherini1, published on Thursday, October 29 2015.
STRASBURGO - C'era un tempo in cui l'Alto Rappresentante per la Politica estera e di sicurezza si occupava esclusivamente di diplomazia internazionale. Così non è per Federica Mogherini.
Intervista di Romano Breda per 'Il Sole 24 Ore'
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- 1.Federica Mogherini (1973) is the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and a member of the Juncker Commission on behalf of Italy. Mogherini is a member of the Italian party Democratic Party (PD), which is aligned with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. Prior to her post in the Commission she served as minister of foreign affairs.