Visit of a delegation of the EU Commission to Dire Dawa, Ethiopia (8 April 2016)

Source: Ch. (Christos) Stylianides i, published on Wednesday, April 13 2016.

Our visit took us to one of the areas, Dire Dawa, that has been most affected by El Nino since 2015. The visit was a real eye opener.

Our visit took us to one of the areas, Dire Dawa, that has been most affected by El Nino since 2015. The visit was a real eye opener. El Niño threatens the livelihoods of millions of Ethiopians. In total, over 18 million people are food insecure. We came to this region to express European solidarity with the people of Ethiopia affected by the crisis. We announced a package of 122.5 million euro. The package will combine a humanitarian response with initiatives that address the root causes of fragility and vulnerability. Supporting Ethiopia is our responsibility. It is also our moral obligation. We are very grateful for the hard work that the region has done to alleviate the suffering of the people. Ethiopia needs the support of all the international community to overcome the crisis it is currently facing.






