Liberal ALDE Pre-summit meeting on 28 June 2016

Source: J.C. (Hans) van Baalen i, published on Tuesday, June 28 2016, 16:12.

Today in Brussels, ahead of the European Council, Guy Verhofstadt, Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe in the European Parliament, together with ALDE Party President Hans van Baalen MEP and Charles Michel, Prime Minister of Belgium, will meet with the liberal Prime Ministers, Party Leaders and European Commissioners of the ALDE family at the Egmont Palace, Petit Sablon 8, on Tuesday 28 June 2016 from 12:00 to 15:00.

Albert Rivera, Party Leader, Javier Nart, MEP (both Ciudadanos) an President of the ALDE Party Hans van Baalen (MEP, VVD)

Watch on Periscope: Press point after the Pre-summit of Liberals & Democrats in Brussels

List of participants:


Mustafa Karadaya, Party Leader (Movement for Rights and Freedoms)

Filiz Hyusmenova, Member European Parliament (Movement for Rights and Freedoms)


Charles Michel, Prime Minister (Mouvement Réformateur)

Gwendolyn Rutten, Party Leader (Open Vld)

Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the ALDE Group in the European Parliament (Open Vld)

Czech Republic

Andrej Babiš, Minister of Economics, Minister of Finance, Party Leader (ANO)

Pavel Telička, Member European Parliament (ANO)


Morten Østergaard, Party Leader (Radikale Venstre)

Morten Helveg Petersen, Member European Parliament (Radikale Venstre)

Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Prime Minister (Venstre)

Morten Løkkegaard, Member European Parliament (Venstre)


Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Member European Parliament (FDP)

Ulrike Müller, Member European Parliament (Freie Wähler)


Taavi Rõivas, Prime Minister (Reform Party)

Kaja Kallas, Member European Parliament (Reform Party)

Yana Toom, Member European Parliament (Centre Party)


Albert Rivera, Party Leader (Ciudadanos)

Javier Nart, Member European Parliament (Ciudadanos)

Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, Member European Parliament (Partido Nationalista Vasco)


François Bayrou, Party Leader (Mouvement Démocrate)

Marielle de Sarnez, Member European Parliament (Mouvement Démocrate)

Jean-Christophe Lagarde, Party Leader (Union des démocrates et indépendents)


Ivan Vrdoljak, Party Leader (HNS)

Boris Miletić, Party Leader (IDS)

Ivan Jakovčić, Member European Parliament (IDS)


Micheál Martin, Party Leader (Fianna Fáil)


Enrico Zanetti, Vice Minister of Economics and Finance, Party Leader (Scelta Civica per l'Italia)

Francesco Rutelli (Alleanza per l'Italia)


Valentinas Mazuronis, Member European Parliament (Darbo)

Petras Auštrevičius, Member European Parliament (Liberalai)


Xavier Bettel, Prime Minister (Demokratesch Partei)

Charles Goerens, Member European Parliament (Demokratesch Partei)


Mark Rutte, Minister President (VVD)

Hans van Baalen, President of ALDE Party and Member European Parliament (VVD)

Alexander Pechtold, Party Leader (D66)

Sophie in 't Veld, Member European Parliament (D66)


Matthias Strolz, Party Leader (NEOS)

Angelika Mlinar, Member European Parliament (NEOS)


Ryszard Petru, Party leader (Nowoczesna)


António Marinho e Pinto, Member European Parliament (Partido Democrático Republicano)

José Inacio Faria, Party Leader and Member European Parliament (Partido da Terra)


Norica Nicolai, Member European Parliament (independent)


Miro Cerar, Prime Minister (SMC)

Ivo Vajgl, Member European Parliament (DeSUS)


Juha Sipilä, Prime Minister (Keskusta)

Hannu Takkula, Member European Parliament (Keskusta)

Anna-Maja Henriksson, Party Leader (SFP)

Nils Torvalds, Member European Parliament (SFP)


Annie Lööf, Party leader (Centerpartiet)

Fredrick Federley, Member European Parliament (Centerpartiet)

Jan Björklund, Party leader (Liberalerna)

Cecilia Wikström, Member European Parliament (Liberalerna)


Tim Farron, Party Leader (Liberal Democrats)

Catherine Bearder, Member European Parliament (Liberal Democrats)


David Usupashvili, Party Leader (Republican Party)

Liberal International

Juli Minoves-Triquell, President

European Investment Bank

Werner Hoyer, President

European Commission

Vice-President Andrus Ansip

Commissioner Věra Jourová

Commissioner Margrethe Vestager

More on ALDE Group and ALDE Pary