Expert Group Milk Market Observatory


Expert Group Milk Market Observatory



Policy Area: Agriculture

Lead DG: DG Agriculture and Rural Development

Type: Informal

Scope: Limited

Mission: Addressing the growing need for transparency in the dairy market through more detailed and more frequent information and enhance market intelligence

Task: other (Assist the Commission in collecting market data and short-term analysis for the dairy market, assess it and confront views)

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 18/03/2014

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 29/06/2023

Additional Information

Activity report: 2014-05-27-Expert group Milk markets observatory

140527 Minutes 1st MMO meeting.doc (approx. 86 kb)

Activity report: 2014-07-24-Expert group Milk markets observatory

2014.07.24ag.doc (approx. 93 kb)

Activity report: 2014-09-24-Expert group Milk markets observatory

140929 Minutes third MMO meeting.doc (approx. 92 kb)

Activity report: 2015-02-24-Expert group Milk markets observatory

DOC.01.2015.02.24ag.pdf (approx. 515 kb)

Activity report: 2015-04-29-Expert group Milk markets observatory

29.04.2015 Minutes fifth MMO meeting.doc (approx. 106 kb)

Activity report: 2015-05-27-Expert group Milk markets observatory

27.05.2015 Minutes sixth MMO meeting.doc (approx. 104 kb)

Activity report: 2015-06-30-Expert group Milk markets observatory

DOC.01.2015.06.30ag.pdf (approx. 122 kb)

Activity report: 2015-07-28-Expert group Milk markets observatory

DOC.01.2015.07.28ag.pdf (approx. 539 kb)

Activity report: 2015-09-23-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2015-09.doc (approx. 257 kb)

Activity report: 2015-10-27-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2015-10 final.doc (approx. 256 kb)

Activity report: 2015-11-27-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2015-11_DE clean.doc (approx. 269 kb)

Activity report: 2016-01-26-Expert group Milk markets observatory

S_470546_MMO meeting report 2016-01 en.doc (approx. 258 kb)

Activity report: 2016-02-23-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2016-02 en.doc (approx. 259 kb)

Activity report: 2016-04-26-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2016-03 en.doc (approx. 259 kb)

Activity report: 2016-05-24-Expert group Milk markets observatory

MMO meeting report 2016-04 en.doc (approx. 260 kb)

Activity report: 2017-01-25-Expert group Milk markets observatory

DOC.2017.01.25ag.pdf (approx. 135 kb)

Minutes Milk 25 01 17.pdf (approx. 343 kb)

Activity report: 2017-09-26 Expert group Milk markets observatory

Agenda 26-9-2017.pdf (approx. 23 kb)

Minutes Milk 26 09 17.pdf (approx. 261 kb)

Activity report: 2017-11-28-Joint Meeting Expert Group Milk Market Observatory and CDG Milk

Agenda-Joint Meeting MMO and CDG Milk 28-11-2017.pdf (approx. 24 kb)

Detailed Agenda joint meeting MMO and CDG Milk 28 11 2017.pdf (approx. 22 kb)

Minutes-Joint meeting-28-11-17.pdf (approx. 162 kb)

Activity report: 2017-11-28-Expert Group Milk Market Observatory

Agenda MMO -28-11-17.pdf (approx. 27 kb)

Minutes-Milk 28-11-17.pdf (approx. 288 kb)

Selection procedure: Members of the Milk Market Observatory expert group will be stakeholder organisations with the uppermost expert market knowledge in the milk sector, as provided for in Rule 8 (3) of the Horizontal Rules for Commission Expert Groups: "organisations, in the broad sense of the word including companies, associations, Non-Governmental-Organisations, trade unions, universities, research institutes, Union agencies, Union bodies and international organisations" The selection of the member organisations has been performed in accordance with Rule 9 (2) of the Horizontal Rules for Commission Expert Groups: "… where organisations are appointed as members of expert groups, Commission services shall, as far as possible, ensure a balanced representation of relevant stakeholders, taking into account the specific tasks of the expert group and the type of expertise required." Indeed, the 8 organisations proposed represent to the maximum extent possible the main stages in the milk supply chain: producers, processors, retailers and traders. These are the only organizations at European level having a sufficient degree of representativeness as regards their respective role in the milk supply chain, and in conjunction with the required market expertise.

Rules of procedure: Expert Groups usually operate in an informal setting without any formal rules of procedure. This is the case for this group.


No Subgroups assigned to this group.