COP22 Marrakech: global decarbonisation trend remains irreversible but requires faster pace

Source: G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, published on Tuesday, November 22 2016.

The Marrakech climate conference reconfirmed that global economic decarbonisation is irreversible, regardless of the plans of the incoming administration in the US.

MEP Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy from the ALDE Group in the European Parliament, commenting from Marrakech said: "Even if Trump's threats dont become real policies, he cannot stop the global economic transformation that has started, both in the world and in the US. But he might slow it down and that would be very damaging."

The EU must not step back from its climate actions. The EU has a bigger responsibility than ever to make the Paris Agreement a success.

"The economic opportunities and threats are huge. Leading the global transition is not just a moral duty, but an economic imperative as well. China has already overtaken the EU in clean technology development and is now investing 2.5 times more in clean energy technology than the EU. Europe should seriously step up its efforts. This is about becoming the winner in the zero-carbon global economy."

The COP22 climate conference, which closes today, has seen some of the usual diplomatic disagreements but it has also confirmed the continued strong global commitment to climate action. The necessary first steps to put the Paris Agreement on track towards implementation have been taken. The key decisions will be made in 2018, which is also the year for the first stocktake of all countries' climate pledges, and their contribution to the Paris objectives. Europe should stand ready to raise its own ambitions.