Dieselgate hearing: French minister Ségolène Royal denies any political responsibility

Source: G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, published on Thursday, November 24 2016.

Today, in a hearing of the European Parliament inquiry committee on “Dieselgate”, French minister Ségolène Royal denied any political responsibility for weakening and delaying the introduction of improved cars testing. The new test methods (the so called Real Driving Emissions test, RDE) could have reduced the possibilities for car manufacturers to cheat on emissions regulations.

ALDE Co-Rapporteur of the Dieselgate inquiry committee, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (D66, The Netherlands), commented after the heating:

“There is written evidence that points out that France was one of the countries that delayed and weakened the introduction of a better car emission tests the most, at the expense of clean air and consumer interests. But today, French minister Royal rejected any responsibility for their attempts to delay a new and stricter emission testing system. She even criticised the French negotiating position.”

“There are only two options: Either Minister Royal is not speaking the truth, or the diplomats representing France in the negotiations on the emissions tests are totally out of control. Both are unacceptable.