LI-president Van Baalen bezoekt Thaise premier Abhisit - Main contents
Thai Prime Minister Abhisit and LI President Hans van Baalen MEP want a solution to the political crisis in Birma in which reformists in both the government and the opposition come together and which means permanent freedom for opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Thai Foreign Minister Kasit and LI President Hans van Baalen MEP agreed that the Thai government would conduct a more pro active information policy in which current developments in Thailand, the role of opposition forces, human rights and civil liberties, the 2011 Government Policy Manifesto and the roadmap for the general elections mid 2011 will be communicated to governments and parliaments abroad and Liberal Internationa more effectively.
Photo: Minister Kasit with his wife, Hans van Baalen, his son Robert and wife Ineke.