Worldlog Week 08 - 2011

Source: M.L. (Marianne) Thieme i, published on Monday, February 21 2011, 17:04.

This week we are again enormously busy with campaign activities for the Provincial State elections.

In this Worldlog an impression of the activities!

On Friday, I went to two villages in the provinces of South-Holland and North Holland to join protests against mega stalls. And I also gave several interviews, including one to German magazine Der Spiegel, in which I spoke about the Party for the Animals. Below is a photograph of our demonstration in South-Holland.

And one photograph of a super fanatic billposter from the province of North-Brabant. The election sign is in his own garden!

On Tuesday I gave a number of radio interviews and I made the recordings for the election film which has been online since Friday: The film is in Dutch but the images speak for themselves.

On Monday 21 February I attended a campaign demonstration in the province of Overijssel against the goose hunt. Together with our party leader for the province of Overijssel, I first symbolically offered a bag of white clover seed to alderman Cor van den Berg of the municipality of Olst-Wijhe as an animal-friendly alternative to the goose hunt. White clover is high in protein and geese love it. The idea is that the geese will leave the farmers’ crops alone and eat the while clover instead. A special goose sign was also erected next to the sign indicating the municipality of Olst-Wijhe. The Netherlands bears international responsibility as an area through which geese and widgeons traverse and overwinter. The return of the goose to the Netherlands as a summer bird is a nature policy success that we can be proud of!

According to research carried out by pollster Maurice de Hond (under the authority of animal-welfare organization WSPA), for nearly one quarter of all Dutch people, the issue of animal welfare will be a ‘considerable factor’ when deciding who to vote for in the Provincial State elections. Let’s hope that this has an effect on the number of seats we are able to win on behalf of animals, nature and the environment.

Ex-minister of the environment Pieter Winsemius (VVD) and ex-minister of agriculture and nature Cees Veerman (CDA) have asked for their own parties to be boycotted during the upcoming elections owing to the disastrous nature policy of this government. In fact, Dutch voters have but one option to express their green ambitions: the Party for the Animals!

And finally, 14 reasons to vote for the Party for the Animals in The Huffington Post!

Next week I will be able to tell you more about the results of the Provincial State elections. Until then!
