European Parliament Rapporteur proposes EU Climate Action Regulation

Source: G.J.M. (Gerben-Jan) Gerbrandy i, published on Monday, January 9 2017.

Read the full text of the Gerbrandy report here.

Today Dutch Member of the European Parliament Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (ALDE/D66) published his report on the “EU Climate Action Regulation”. This regulation covers emissions from transport, waste, agriculture and buildings. Together, these sectors are responsible for about 60 percent of the EU greenhouse gas emissions.

Speaking on the publication of his report, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy said:

“We cannot only look at climate action in the short term. If citizens and businesses are to truly benefit from a green economy, we must plan ahead and give a long-term perspective.”

"We should also take those measures that exploit best the benefits of energy efficiency. Energy efficiency will not only reduce emissions, but also generate millions of jobs and lower energy bills. That is why I have proposed to make this Regulation consistent with an increased European energy efficiency ambition."

The Gerbrandy report proposes a balance between more climate ambition and a package of additional flexibilities for EU governments to meet their targets:

The climate targets proposed by the European Commission for 2030 for the EU Member States remain unchanged.

A more stringent emission reduction trajectory for Member States is included. In return, Member States are allowed to postpone a part of their emission reductions to later years (“borrowing” from later years).

A pathway towards 80 percent emissions reductions by 2050 is included so to provide long-term certainty to investors.

In addition, Gerbrandy proposes to align the Climate Action Regulation better with the recent European Commission proposal to increase EU ambition on energy savings. On 30 November 2016, the European Commission proposed in a package of energy measures to increase the EU target on energy efficiency from 27 percent to 30 percent. The European Parliament has consistently championed more a higher energy efficiency target.

150 million “emission allocations” will be auctioned. The auctioning revenues are available for building renovation projects in Central and Eastern Europe

The additional emission reductions as a result of energy efficiency reduce the need for forest and land use offset credits in the scheme.

This proposal is based on the commission proposal 'Effort Sharing Regulation', presented in July 2016. The Environment Committee of the European Parliament is expected to vote on the 29th or 30th of May on the proposal.