Expert Group EU Crops Market Observatory
Policy Area: Agriculture
Lead DG: AGRI - DG Agriculture and Rural Development
Type: Informal, Permanent
Scope: Limited
Mission: Addressing the growing need for transparency in the crops market through more detailed and more frequent information and enhance market intelligence.
Task: Other (- to provide DG AGRI with advice and expertise regarding the economic factors affecting market developments in cereals, oilseeds and protein crops; - to provide "first hand" information about market situation including data - to highlight and assess the current market situation for the sake of economic operators and the Commission services; - to foster market transparency along the supply chain in the cereals, oilseeds and protein crops markets.)
Contact: -
Publication in RegExp: 13/03/2017
Creating Act: -
Last updated: 2023-07-19
Additional Information
No Subgroups assigned to this group.
- 1.Dit type werkgroepen van de Europese Unie adviseert de Europese Commissie bij het opstellen van nieuwe wetgeving en nieuw beleid. Daarnaast houden ze zich bezig met controle, coördinatie en samenwerking met de lidstaten. Expertgroepen kunnen tijdelijk of permanent zijn ingesteld. De deskundigen worden niet betaald, maar krijgen een onkostenvergoeding. Expertgroepen zijn samengesteld uit deskundigen van nationale overheden, vertegenwoordigers van belangenorganisaties en/of experts uit het bedrijfsleven.
- 2.This Directorate-General is responsible for the implementation of the agricultural and rural development policies of the Commission. The DG deals with all aspects of the common agricultural policy (CAP).