Expert Group EU Sugar Market Observatory


Expert Group EU Sugar Market Observatory



Policy Area: Agriculture

Lead DG: DG Agriculture and Rural Development

Type: Informal

Scope: Limited

Mission: Addressing the growing need for transparency in the sugar market through more detailed and more frequent information and enhance market intelligence.

Task: other (- to provide DG AGRI with advice and expertise regarding the economic factors affecting market developments; - to provide "first hand" information about market situation including data - to highlight and assess the current market situation for the sake of economic operators and the Commission services; - to foster market transparency along the supply chain in the cereals, oilseeds and protein crops markets.)

Contact: -

Publication in RegExp: 13/03/2017

Creating Act: -

Last updated: 03/07/2023

Additional Information

Activity report: The kick-off meeting for the Sugar MO is planned for 11 July 2017.

2017-07-11 Agenda.pdf (approx. 22 kb)

Pt. 04 Rules of procedure SMO.docx (approx. 108 kb)

Pt. 5.1-Data sources.pdf (approx. 217 kb)

Minutes.pdf (approx. 205 kb)

Activity report: Economic Board of the Sugar Market Observatory meeting of 15 November 2017

Agenda.pdf (approx. 19 kb)

Minutes.pdf (approx. 145 kb)

Selection procedure: A new call has been launched in order to renew the member of the EG EU Sugar Markets observatory. 1.The group shall be composed of around 14 members. 2.Members shall be organisations having activities within the European Union in at least one of the following steps of the sugar and isoglucose supply chains: sugar beet producers and producers' organisations; sugar and isoglucose producers and producers' organisations; sugar and isoglucose industrial users and food processors; trade operators; distributors and retailers. 3.Member organisations shall nominate their representatives (up to 2 representatives per organisation) and shall be responsible for ensuring that their representatives provide a high level of expertise. DG AGRI may refuse the nomination by an organisation of a representative if it considers this nomination inappropriate in the light of the requirements specified in the call for applications. In such case, the organisation concerned shall be asked to appoint another representative.

Rules of procedure: The expert group operates according to the Rules of Procedure, adopted at the first meeting of the expert group.

rules-procedure_en.pdf (approx. 105 kb)


No Subgroups assigned to this group.