Spotlight on blockchain: A new generation of digital services, Brussels - Main contents
date | May 11, 2017 09:00 - 14:00 |
city | Brussels, Belgium |
location | Altiero Spinelli building (ASP) i |
attending | (Eva) Kaili i, (Jakob) von Weizsäcker i et al. |
organisation | Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT) i, Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) |
Webstream available session II
A Joint Event between STOA (European Parliament) & DG CONNECT (European Commission)
-9.00 - 9.20 Welcoming Address
-Eva KAILI, MEP and STOA Chair
-9.20 - 09.50 Introduction to Blockchain Technology
An accessible introductory keynote on blockchain technology and how it works
Vinay GUPTA, Founder of
-9.50 -11.30 Panel 1: Financial Services
Introduced by Jakob von WEIZSÄCKER, MEP
Giancarlo BRUNO, Head of financial services industries, World Economic Forum
-Panel discussion
Moderated by Jakob von WEIZSÄCKER, MEP
John WHELAN, Director of Innovation, Banco Santander - Head of Blockchain Lab, member of the EBF Blockchain taskforce
Cécile WENDLING, Head of Foresight, AXA Group
Franck GUIADER, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, France - Head of FinTech, Blockchain, Innovation and Competitiveness Department
Wolfgang BREYMANN, Head of Research Area, Zurich University of Applied Sciences - SmartRegTech project
Urmas PEIKER, Co-founder FunderBeam
Peter KERSTENS, Co-Chair of the FinTech Task Force, Work stream on Distributed Ledger Technologies, Adviser, DG FISMA
-11.25 11.30 Debrief on standardisation activities
Andreas FUCHSBERGER, Standards Officer in the Corporate Standards Group in MicrosoftDIN - Chair of German Standardisation Body
-11.30 - 12.15 Networking lunch and coffee
-12.15 - 13.55 Panel 2: A New Generation of Blockchain-Based Services
Introduced by Eva KAILI, MEP and STOA Chair
-Panel discussion
Moderated by Eva KAILI, MEP and STOA Chair
Phil Barry - Blokur - Blockchain for Intellectual Property Rights Management
Lionel Dricot - - Blockchain for Liquid Democracy
François Sonnet - SolarCoin - Blockchain for Energy
Thibaut Schaeffer - Provenance - Blockchain for supply chains
Marc Taverner - BitFury - Blockchain Infrastructures
Heiko Hees - brainbot technologies - Blockchain for smart contacts
-13.40 - 13.50 Closing Address
Claire Bury, DG Connect, European Commission
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This Directorate-General supports the development and use of information and communication technologies. The DG focuses on the accessability of ICT applications on a broad scale in order for European citizens to benefit fully from ICT. Also, the use of ICT must improve the competitiveness of the EU and stimulate economic growth.