Homostel veroordeeld tot 80 stokslagen in Indonesie

Source: M.R. (Marietje) Schaake i, published on Wednesday, May 17 2017, 2:52.

Op de internationale dag tegen homofobie, bifobie en transfobie veroordeelde een Indonesische rechtbank twee mannen tot 80 stokslagen omdat zij een homoseksuele relatie zouden hebben. Marietje Schaake en Sophie in 't Veld, Europarlementariers voor D66/ALDE riepen Hoge Vertegenwoordiger Mogherini op actie te ondernemen. Hun vragen aan de Hoge Vertegenwoordiger vindt u hieronder (Engels).

Two Indonesian men have today been sentenced to 80 lashes each by an Islamic Court on the Indonesian island of Aceh for being in a gay relationship (1).

The ruling follows the implementation of Sharia law on the Indonesian island two years ago and adds to an increase in attacks on religious minorities, the persecution of gay people in Indonesia as well as the recent imprisonment of the (Christian) governor of Jakarta on blasphemy charges.

  • 1. 
    Is the VP/HR aware of the case of these men as well as the deteriorating situation for LGBTI people in Indonesia and if so, will she address their plight with Indonesian authorities as would follow from the EU’s commitment under its 2013 LGBTI Guidelines?
  • 2. 
    Were representatives of the EU delegation to Indonesia present in the court room during the trial and sentencing and will either the HR/VP or her representatives in Indonesia intervene in this matter before the sentences of both men are carried out?
  • 3. 
    Does the HR/VP, together with the responsible Commissioner plan on reviewing the implementation and effectiveness of the LGBTI Guidelines as well as the integration of the Guidelines into the EU’s external relations and external financing instruments?
  • (1) 