Open Science aspects of WP - Main contents
Open Science is a new paradigm that emphasizes the sharing of research early in the process. Why is this important?
Because data is the fuel of Open Science and making data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-useable) is crucial to making the engine of Open Science work. The Open Science Cloud will need to be based on FAIR data.
In fact nearly 10% of the budget allocated for the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 is channeled to direct or indirect support of Open Science:
Open Science Actions, which directly address specific aspects of Open Science Policy in different thematic areas. This ranges from supporting the opening of research databases, to promoting data-reuse and many other sector-specific initiatives.
Open Science Practices indirectly embedded, for instance in the preparatory phase of new infrastructures or existing initiatives.
Open Science Principles mainstreamed, e.g. through good open science practices including citizen science
A variety of contributions to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), including a number of thematic clouds in various domains (e.g. the Blue Cloud pilot for the maritime sector) which will eventually feed into the EOSC, as well as clusters of research infrastructures.
While all parts of the Work Programme contribute to Open Science, 'Research Infrastructures' and Future and Emerging Technologies stand out due to the large support to the EOSC and to the European Data Infrastructure.
We continue our policy of open access to the results of EU funded projects, which by now has become well-established international best practice:
Each beneficiary must ensure open access to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its results. To help increase the uptake of open access in Horizon 2020, a platform for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to publish open access will be set up for an initial period of four years.
Open research data is the default option in all thematic areas of Horizon 2020. The main aim of this policy is to emphasise good data management early in the research process, to facilitate the proliferation of FAIR data, that is findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable for the future, and to facilitate open access to research data. While open access is also a requirement of this policy in Horizon 2020, we do realise that some data will never be made public, for instance due to IP protection, personal data protection or national security. We therefore provide possibilities for projects to partially or entirely opt-out of open access to research data, when this is necessary.
The European Commission is currently working on a Strategic Plan for the implementation of the EOSC, including a roadmap, to be presented by end of 2017.
To make the EOSC succeed depends on the commitment, expertise and proactivity of you the stakeholders, with the support provided by Horizon 2020. I count on your continued drive and support to make this dream a reality!
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