Regulation 2017/1151 - Supplement to Regulation 715/2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


Current status

This regulation was in effect from July 27, 2017 until August 31, 2020.


Key information

official title

Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1151 of 1 June 2017 supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information, amending Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 1230/2012 and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008
Legal instrument Regulation
Number legal act Regulation 2017/1151
CELEX number i 32017R1151


Key dates

Document 01-06-2017; Date of adoption
Publication in Official Journal 07-07-2017; OJ L 175 p. 1-643
Effect 27-07-2017; Entry into force Date pub. +20 See Art 20
Deadline 31-08-2017; See Art 15.1
01-09-2017; See Art 15.2
31-08-2018; See Art 15.2
01-09-2018; See Art 15.2 And 15.3
01-09-2019; See Art 15.3
End of validity 31-08-2020; Partial end of validity Art. 16 Implicitly repealed by 32018R0858
31-12-2021; Partial end of validity Art. 17 Implicitly repealed by 32017R1151
05-07-2022; Partial end of validity Art. 18 Implicitly repealed by 32019R2144
30-06-2030; Repealed by 32024R1257


Legislative text



Official Journal of the European Union

L 175/1



of 1 June 2017

supplementing Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information, amending Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 1230/2012 and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008

(Text with EEA relevance)


Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2007 on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information (1), and in particular Articles 8 and 14(3) thereof,

Having regard to Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 September 2007 establishing a framework for the approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, and of systems, components and separate technical units intended for such vehicles (Framework Directive) (2), and in particular Article 39(2) thereof.




Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 (3) provides for light-duty vehicles to be tested in accordance with the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC).



Based on the continuous review of the relevant procedures, test cycles and test results provided for in Article 14(3) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2007, it is evident that the information about fuel consumption and CO2 emissions provided by testing vehicles in accordance with the NEDC is no longer adequate and no longer reflects real world emissions.



Against that background, it is appropriate to provide for a new regulatory test procedure by implementing the Worldwide harmonised Light-duty vehicles Test Procedures (WLTP) into Union legislation.



The WLTP was developed at the level of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and was adopted as Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No 15 by the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) in March 2014.



In addition to more realistic information about fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for consumer and regulatory purposes, the WLTP also creates a global framework for vehicle testing, leading to a closer international harmonisation of test requirements.



The WLTP provides a full description of a vehicle test cycle for CO2 and regulated pollutant emissions under standardised ambient conditions. In order to adapt it to the EU type-approval system, it is necessary to complement it by further improving the transparency requirements for technical parameters that will allow independent parties to reproduce the type approval test results and by reducing testing flexibilities.



This proposal also specifies a revised procedure for the conformity of production (CoP) assessment of vehicles. Since under the new provisions the CoP evolution coefficient as described in point of Annex I is likely to be determined more often by specific testing of the manufacturer instead of using a default value, the respective test procedure will need to be revised in due course.



While the WLTP specifies a new test cycle and procedure for measuring emissions, other obligations, such as those linked to durability of pollution control devices, in-service conformity or consumer information on CO2 emissions and fuel consumption,...


This text has been adopted from EUR-Lex.



Sources and disclaimer

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