
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 72 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
01.03.2024  EU position in the Energy Charter Conference.
Decision com(2024)104
01.03.2024  Position to be taken on behalf of Euratom in the Energy Charter Conference.
Decision com(2024)105
13.12.2023  EU position in the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community.
Decision com(2023)794
28.11.2023  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2022/2578 as regards the prolongation of its period of application.
Regulation com(2023)761
28.11.2023  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2022/2576 as regards the prolongation of its period of application.
Regulation com(2023)762
10.11.2023  EU position in the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community (Vienna, Austria, 14 December 2023).
Decision com(2023)701
07.07.2023  Withdrawal of the Union from the Energy Charter Treaty.
Decision com(2023)447
20.03.2023  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 2022/1369 as regards prolonging the demand reduction period for reduction measures for gas and reinforcing the reporting and monitoring of ...
Regulation com(2023)174
14.03.2023  Amendment of Regulations (EU) No 1227/2011 and (EU) 2019/942 to improve the Union’s protection against market manipulation in the wholesale energy market.
Regulation com(2023)147
14.03.2023  Amendment of Regulations (EU) 2019/943 and (EU) 2019/942 as well as Directives (EU) 2018/2001 and (EU) 2019/944 to improve the Union’s electricity market design.
Regulation com(2023)148
24.11.2022  EU position within the EU-UK Specialised Committee on Energy concerning the EU-UK electricity trading arrangements.
Decision com(2022)651
22.11.2022  Market correction mechanism to protect citizens and the economy against excessively high gas prices.
Regulation com(2022)668
17.11.2022  Extension of the advantages conferred on the joint undertaking Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH.
Decision com(2022)599
17.11.2022  Extension of the joint-undertaking status of Hochtemperatur-Kernkraftwerk GmbH.
Decision com(2022)598
18.10.2022  Proposal for a COUNCIL REGULATION Enhancing solidarity through better coordination of gas purchases, exchanges of gas across borders and reliable price benchmarks.
Regulation com(2022)549
03.08.2022  EU position in the Ministerial Council of the Energy Community on the incorporation of Regulation (EU) 2022/1032 on gas storage into the Energy Community acquis.
Decision com(2022)395
23.03.2022  Amendment of Regulation 2017/1938 concerning measures to safeguard the security of gas supply and 715/2009 on conditions for access to natural gas transmission networks.
Regulation com(2022)135
15.12.2021  Energy performance of buildings (recast).
Directive com(2021)802
15.07.2021  Amendment of Directive 2018/2001, Regulation 2018/1999 Directive 98/70/EC as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources.
Directive com(2021)557
15.07.2021  Energy efficiency (recast).
Directive com(2021)558
15.12.2020  Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure.
Regulation com(2020)824
14.05.2019  EU position in the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC) with regard to the extension of the Terms of Reference for the IPEEC.
Decision com(2019)229
13.11.2018  Adapting the amended Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency by reason of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU.
Decision com(2018)744
13.06.2018  Dedicated financial programme for decommissioning of nuclear facilities and management of radioactive waste.
Regulation com(2018)467
13.06.2018  Nuclear decommissioning assistance programme of the Ignalina nuclear power plant in Lithuania (Ignalina programme).
Regulation com(2018)466
07.06.2018  Amendment of Decision 2007/198/Euratom establishing the European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy and conferring advantages upon it.
Decision com(2018)445
17.05.2018  Labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other essential parameters.
Regulation com(2018)296
19.12.2017  Repeal of Regulation 256/2014 concerning the notification to the Commission of investment projects in energy infrastructure within the EU.
Regulation com(2017)769
08.11.2017  Amendment of Directive 2009/73/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas.
Directive com(2017)660
30.11.2016  EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (recast).
Regulation com(2016)863
30.11.2016  Internal market for electricity (recast).
Regulation com(2016)861
30.11.2016  Risk-preparedness in the electricity sector.
Regulation com(2016)862
30.11.2016  Common rules for the internal market in electricity (recast).
Directive com(2016)864
30.11.2016  Promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast).
Directive com(2016)767
30.11.2016  Amendment of Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings.
Directive com(2016)765
30.11.2016  Governance of the Energy Union.
Regulation com(2016)759
30.11.2016  Amendment of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency.
Directive com(2016)761
16.02.2016  Measures to safeguard the security of gas supply.
Regulation com(2016)52
16.02.2016  Establishing an information exchange mechanism on intergovernmental agreements and non-binding instruments between Member States and third countries in the field of ...
Decision com(2016)53
02.02.2016  Regulation on mercury, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1102/2008.
Regulation com(2016)39
15.07.2015  Framework for energy efficiency labelling.
Regulation com(2015)341
24.02.2015  Repeal of Council Decision and implementing measures on reducing consumption of primary sources of energy in the event of difficulties in the supply of crude oil and ...
Decision com(2014)720
10.01.2014  Maximum permitted levels of radioactive contamination of food and feed following a nuclear accident or any other case of radiological emergency.
Regulation com(2013)943
17.10.2013  Amendment of Directive 2009/71/EURATOM establishing a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations.
Directive com(2013)715
06.03.2013  Adaptation of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, by reason of the accession of Croatia.
Directive com(2013)113
15.03.2012  Conclusion of the Agreement with the Government of the USA on the coordination of energy-efficiency labelling programmes for office equipment.
Decision com(2012)108
15.03.2012  EU energy-efficiency labelling programme for office equipment.
Regulation com(2012)109
27.10.2011  Safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities.
Regulation com(2011)688
29.09.2011  Basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.
Directive com(2011)593
27.06.2011  Requirements for the protection of the health of the general public with regard to radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption.
Directive com(2011)385