
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 253 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
08.03.2018  Completing the Capital Markets Union by 2019 - time to accelerate delivery.
Communication com(2018)114
08.03.2018  FinTech Action plan: For a more competitive and innovative European financial sector.
Communication com(2018)109
25.01.2018  Implementation and impact of Directive 2009/110/EC in particular on the application of prudential requirements for electronic money institutions.
Report com(2018)41
18.01.2018  First Progress Report on the Reduction of Non-Performing Loans in Europe.
Communication com(2018)37
07.12.2017  Exercise of the power to adopt delegated acts conferred on the Commission pursuant to the Solvency II directive.
Report com(2017)740
01.12.2017  Follow up to the Call for Evidence - EU regulatory framework for financial services.
Report com(2017)736
27.11.2017  Review of Articles 13, 18 and 45 as regards EBA's powers to conduct binding mediation to take account of future developments in financial services law.
Report com(2017)661
23.11.2017  Application of Regulation EU n°260/2012 establishing technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits in euro.
Report com(2017)683
23.11.2017  Activities of the IFRS Foundation, EFRAG and PIOB in 2016.
Report com(2017)684
17.11.2017  EU position in the EU-Switzerland Joint Committee concerning a technical revision of the Agreement on direct insurance other than life insurance.
Decision com(2017)666
19.10.2017  Report under Article 29(3) of Regulation 2015/2365 on transparency of securities financing transactions and of reuse.
Report com(2017)604
11.10.2017  Single Supervisory Mechanism established pursuant to Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013 (credit institutions).
Report com(2017)591
11.10.2017  Completing the Banking Union.
Communication com(2017)592
20.09.2017  Reinforcing integrated supervision to strengthen Capital Markets Union and financial integration in a changing environment.
Communication com(2017)542
11.09.2017  Need to temporary exclude exchange-traded derivatives from the scope of Articles 35 and 36 of the Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 on markets in financial instruments.
Report com(2017)468
07.09.2017  Monitoring developments in the EU market for providing statutory audit services to public-interest entities.
Report com(2017)464
06.07.2017  Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank: clearing and payment systems.
Recommendation c(2017)6810
09.06.2017  Exemptions for third-country central banks and other entities under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR).
Report com(2017)298
08.06.2017  Mid-Term Review of the Capital Markets Union Action Plan.
Communication com(2017)292
18.05.2017  Banking union. Annual report 2017.
18.05.2017  Financial activities of the European Investment Bank. Annual report.
08.05.2017  Review of the transitional measures for the acquisition of agricultural real estate set out in the 2011 Treaty on the accession of Croatia to the EU.
Report com(2017)217
04.05.2017  Responding to challenges for critical financial market infrastructures and further developing the Capital Markets Union.
Communication com(2017)225
04.05.2017  Impact assessment accompanying the document: Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards i.a. the clearing obligation and the suspension of the clearing ...
04.05.2017  Executive summary of the impact assessment: Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 as regards i.a. the clearing obligation and the reporting requirements.
Working paper swd(2017)149
24.03.2017  Accelerating the capital markets union: addressing national barriers to capital flows.
Report com(2017)147
23.03.2017  Consumer Financial Services Action Plan: Better Products, More Choice.
Communication com(2017)139
08.03.2017  Market developments potentially requiring the use of Article 459 CRR.
Report com(2017)121
02.03.2017  EC Report on International Treatment of Central Banks and Public Entities Managing Public Debt with regard to OTC Derivatives Transactions.
Report com(2017)104
27.02.2017  Accelerating the capital markets union: addressing national barriers to capital flows.
Report com(2017)102
28.11.2016  Impact assessment accompanying the document: framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties.
28.11.2016  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties.
23.11.2016  Call for Evidence - EU regulatory framework for financial services.
Communication com(2016)855
23.11.2016  Report under Article 85(1) of Regulation 648/2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositories.
Report com(2016)857
23.11.2016  EC staff working document on the call for evidence - EU regulatory framework for financial services.
23.11.2016  Impact assessment accompanying the proposal amending regulations and directives on credit institutions and investment firms.
23.11.2016  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying a proposal amending regulations and directives on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment ...
23.11.2016  Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 as regards several forms of credit ratio's, management of financial risks, and reporting requirements.
19.10.2016  Alternative tools to external credit ratings, the credit rating market and industry, and the feasibility of a European Credit Rating Agency.
Report com(2016)664
06.10.2016  Banking union - Annual report 2016.
14.09.2016  Capital Markets Union - Accelerating Reform.
Communication com(2016)601
08.09.2016  Activities of the IFRS Foundation, EFRAG and PIOB in 2015.
Report com(2016)559
14.07.2016  Impact assessment amending Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 on European venture capital funds and Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 on European social entrepreneurship funds.
14.07.2016  Summary impact assessment on Amending Regulation (EU) No 345/2013 on European venture capital funds and Regulation (EU) No 346/2013 on European social entrepreneurship ...
Working paper swd(2016)229
12.07.2016  Use and benefits of longer-term refinancing operations and similar funding support measures provided by ESCB central banks to credit institutions.
Report com(2016)455
29.06.2016  Appropriateness of Article 3(1) of Directive 2002/47/EC on financial collateral arrangements.
Report com(2016)430
15.06.2016  Ex-ante evaluation on a Union Programme to support extra involvement of consumers and other financial services end-users in policy making on financial services for ...
10.05.2016  Adaptation to inflation of minimum amounts of cover laid down in Directive 2009/103/EC relating to insurance against civil liabaility in respect of the use of motor ...
Communication com(2016)246
12.04.2016  Impact assessment assessing the potential for further transparency on income tax information accompanying the proposal to amend directive 2013/34/EU.
12.04.2016  Executive summary of the impact assessment assessing the potential for further transparency on income tax information accompanying the proposal to amend directive ...
Working paper swd(2016)118