
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 254 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
10.12.2015  GREEN PAPER on retail financial services Better products, more choice, and greater opportunities for consumers and businesses.
Green paper com(2015)630
30.11.2015  Impact assessment accompanying the document: prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading.
30.11.2015  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading.
Working paper swd(2015)256
24.11.2015  "Towards the completion of the Banking Union".
Communication com(2015)587
24.11.2015  Amendment of Regulation (EU) 806/2014 in order to establish a European Deposit Insurance Scheme.
Regulation com(2015)586
23.10.2015  Appropriateness of the development of a European creditworthiness assessment for sovereign debt.
Report com(2015)515
20.10.2015  Article 503 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 Capital requirement for covered bonds.
Report com(2015)509
30.09.2015  Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union.
Communication com(2015)468
30.09.2015  Economic Analysis accompanying the document: Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union.
30.09.2015  Feedback Statement on the Green Paper "Building a Capital Markets Union" accompanying the document: Action Plan on Building a Capital Markets Union.
30.09.2015  Impact assessment accompanying the document: common rules on securitisation and a European framework for simple and transparent securitisation.
30.09.2015  Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying the document: common rules on securitisation and a European framework for simple and transparent securitisation.
Working paper swd(2015)186
17.09.2015  Activities of the IFRS Foundation, EFRAG and PIOB in 2014.
Report com(2015)461
10.09.2015  Banking union - 2015 annual report.
05.08.2015  Rules governing the levels of application of banking prudential requirement.
Report com(2015)388
03.08.2015  Exercise of delegation of powers to the Commission to adopt delegated acts pursuant to Article 56 of Directive 2011/61/EU.
Report com(2015)383
03.08.2015  Exercise of delegation of powers to the Commission to adopt implementing measures pursuant to Article 112a of Directive 2009/65/EC.
Report com(2015)384
18.06.2015  Evaluation of regulation 1606/2002 on the application of international accounting standards.
Report com(2015)301
18.06.2015  Accompanying document to the evaluation of regulation on application of international accounting standards.
27.04.2015  European Financial Stability and Integration Review, April 2015.
Working paper swd(2015)98
13.04.2015  Exercise of the power to adopt delegated acts by the Commission pursuant the directive on the prospectus when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading.
Report com(2015)149
05.03.2015  On the movement of capital and the freedom of payments.
Working paper swd(2015)58
18.02.2015  Green paper "building a Capital Markets Union".
Green paper com(2015)63
18.02.2015  Initial reflections on the obstacles to the development of deep and integrated EU capital markets accompanying the document: Green Paper Building a Capital Markets Union.
03.02.2015  Development by central counterparties of technical solutions for the transfer by pension scheme arrangements of non cash collateral as variation margins.
Report com(2015)39
17.12.2014  Developing a sustainable European industry of base metals.
17.12.2014  Family businesses in Europe.
16.12.2014  Single market governance within the European semester 2015.
02.07.2014  Green Action Plan for SMEs - Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities.
Communication com(2014)440
01.07.2014  Towards a renewed consensus on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: An EU Action Plan.
Communication com(2014)392
12.09.2013  SOLVIT.
16.04.2013  Green Paper on the Insurance of Natural and Man-made Disasters.
Green paper com(2013)213
14.03.2013  Recovery and resolution framework for non-bank institutions.
11.03.2013  Reforming the structure of the EU banking sector.
31.01.2013  Setting up a European retail action plan.
Communication com(2013)36
29.11.2012  GREEN PAPER An integrated parcel delivery market for the growth of e-commerce in the EU.
Green paper com(2012)698
23.10.2012  Towards a comprehensive European framework for online gambling.
Communication com(2012)596
30.08.2012  Implementation of the European Electronic Toll Service.
Communication com(2012)474
08.06.2012  Implementation of the Services Directive. A partnership for new growth in services 2012-2015.
Communication com(2012)261
19.03.2012  Green paper shadow banking.
Green paper com(2012)102
11.01.2012  Green Paper Towards an integrated European market for card, internet and mobile payments.
Green paper com(2011)941
11.01.2012  Coherent framework for building trust in the Digital Single Market for e-commerce and online services.
Communication com(2011)942
15.12.2011  Online distribution of audiovisual works in the European Union.
14.12.2011  Implementation and Effect of the Resale Right Directive (2001/84/EC).
Report com(2011)878
07.12.2011  Action plan to improve access to finance for SMEs.
Communication com(2011)870
25.10.2011  Social Business Initiative - Creating a favourable climate for social enterprises, key stakeholders in the social economy and innovation.
Communication com(2011)682
15.09.2011  Internal market scoreboard.
22.08.2011  Single Market through the lens of the people: A snapshot of citizens' and businesses' 20 main concerns.
Working paper sec(2011)1003
05.04.2011  GREEN PAPER The EU corporate governance framework.
Green paper com(2011)164
24.03.2011  GREEN PAPER On on-line gambling in the Internal Market.
Green paper com(2011)128