
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 253 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
15.09.2011  Internal market scoreboard.
22.08.2011  Single Market through the lens of the people: A snapshot of citizens' and businesses' 20 main concerns.
Working paper sec(2011)1003
05.04.2011  GREEN PAPER The EU corporate governance framework.
Green paper com(2011)164
24.03.2011  GREEN PAPER On on-line gambling in the Internal Market.
Green paper com(2011)128
17.02.2011  Implementation of the Professional Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC.
27.01.2011  GREEN PAPER on the modernisation of EU public procurement policy Towards a more efficient European Procurement Market.
Green paper com(2011)15
27.01.2011  Towards a better functioning Single Market for services - building on the results of the mutual evaluation process of the Services Directive.
Communication com(2011)20
16.12.2010  Credit rating agencies: future perspectives.
02.12.2010  Reaping the benefits of electronic invoicing for Europe.
Communication com(2010)712
25.11.2010  Universal service and '112' emergency number.
27.10.2010  Towards a Single Market Act For a highly competitive social market economy 50 proposals for improving our work, business and exchanges with one another.
Communication com(2010)608
13.10.2010  GREEN PAPER Audit Policy: Lessons from the Crisis.
Green paper com(2010)561
16.09.2010  Review of Council Directive 2003/72/EC supplementing the Statute for a European cooperative society with regard to the involvement of employees.
Report com(2010)481
12.07.2010  WHITE PAPER On Insurance Guarantee Schemes.
White paper com(2010)370
08.07.2010  More efficient and fairer retail market.
01.07.2010  Green Paper from the Commission on policy options for progress towards a European Contract Law for consumers and businesses.
Green paper com(2010)348
17.06.2010  Revision of the General Product Safety Directive and market surveillance.
20.05.2010  Regulation of trading in financial instruments - "dark pools" etc..
20.05.2010  Basel II and revision of the Capital Requirements Directives (CRD 4).
21.04.2010  Impact of advertising on consumer behaviour.
21.01.2010  Completing the internal market for e-commerce.
21.01.2010  Delivering a single market to consumers and citizens.
21.01.2010  Remuneration of directors of listed companies and remuneration policies in the financial services sector.
11.11.2009  Deontological questions related to companies' management.
11.11.2009  EEA-Switzerland: obstacles with regard to the full implementation of the internal market.
11.11.2009  New developments in public procurement.
04.11.2009  Green Paper - The interconnection of business registers.
Green paper com(2009)614
20.10.2009  Ensuring efficient, safe and sound derivatives markets: Future policy actions.
Communication com(2009)563
19.10.2009  SOLVIT.
11.09.2009  Enhancing the enforcement of intellectual property rights in the internal market.
Communication com(2009)467
16.07.2009  Internal Market Scoreboard n° 19.
04.09.2008  European professional card for services providers.
22.05.2008  European City Guide Report: Petition 45/2006.
10.07.2007  Simplified business environment for companies in the areas of company law, accounting and auditing.
Communication com(2007)394
05.07.2007  Internal market scoreboard.
Working paper sec(2007)978
25.06.2007  Issues relating to Motor Insurance.
Report com(2007)207
30.04.2007  Green Paper on Retail Financial Services in the Single Market.
Green paper com(2007)226
15.02.2007  Single market review: tackling barriers and inefficiencies through better implementation and enforcement.
27.11.2006  Deposit guarantee schemes.
Communication com(2006)729
15.11.2006  White paper white paper on enhancing the single market framework for investment funds.
Communication com(2006)686
26.10.2006  Capital market: International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the governance of the IASB.
06.04.2006  Public Procurement: transposition and implementation of the legislation in relation to the Lisbon Agenda.
18.01.2006  Crisis of the Equitable Life Assurance Society.
18.01.2006  Collapse of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interim report.
01.12.2005  White Paper - Financial Services Policy 2005-2010.
White paper com(2005)629
15.11.2005  Public-Private Partnerships and Community Law on Public Procurement and Concessions.
Communication com(2005)569
19.07.2005  Green paper - Mortgage Credit in the EU.
Green paper com(2005)327
18.05.2005  Commission recommendation of 18 May 2005 on collective cross-border management of copyright and related rights for legitimate online music services (recom. 2005/737/EC).
21.05.2003  Modernising Company Law and Enhancing Corporate Governance in the EU - A Plan to Move Forward.
Communication com(2003)284
15.05.2003  First Report on the implementation of the Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC).
Report com(2003)265