
Legislation currently being implemented

There are 69 laws or other legal instruments of the Council and the European Parliament, previously proposed by undefined, which are currently being implemented by the member states.
Date Title
07.08.2015  Approval of the conclusion by the Commission, on behalf of Euratom, of the Agreement continuing the International Science and Technology Center.
Decision com(2015)398
28.10.2014  Rules of procedure of the European Development Fund (EDF) Committee.
Decision com(2014)668
10.06.2014  EU position within the ACP-EU Council of Ministers regarding the revision of Annex III of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2014)364
12.12.2013  Amendment of Council Regulation 617/2007 on the 10th EDF European Development Fund under the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement for the implementation of the Bridging Facility.
Regulation com(2013)881
27.09.2013  Transitional EDF management measures from 1 January 2014 until the entry into force of the 11th European Development Fund.
Decision com(2013)663
22.08.2013  Modification of the Internal Agreement on the financing of EU aid and on the allocation of the financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories.
Decision com(2013)596
22.08.2013  EU position regarding the revision of Annex IV to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2013)597
10.07.2013  European Year of Development (2015).
Decision com(2013)509
26.06.2013  Implementation of the 11th European Development Fund.
Regulation com(2013)445
05.10.2012  EU position within the International Jute Study Group as regards the negotiation of new Terms of Reference beyond 2014.
Decision com(2012)575
14.05.2012  EU position within the ACP-EU Council of Ministers concerning the status of South Sudan in relation to the Partnership Agreement with the members of the African, ...
Decision com(2012)213
08.05.2012  EU position within the ACP-EU Council of Ministers regarding a decision to reassign part of the unallocated resources of the 10th European Development Fund (EDF) to ...
Decision com(2012)207
07.12.2011  EU position concerning the multiannual financial framework for the period 2014 to 2020 of the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement.
Decision com(2011)836
26.07.2011  Conclusion of the second amendment of the ACS/EC partnership agreement (Cotonou agreement).
Decision com(2011)469
17.06.2011  Signing of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement with Liberia on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products to the EU.
Decision com(2011)369
17.06.2011  Conclusion of the Voluntary Partnership Agreement with Liberia on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber products to the EU.
Decision com(2011)371
20.05.2011  Signing of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the Central African Republic on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and derived products to the EU ...
Decision com(2011)277
20.05.2011  Conclusion of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the Central African Republic on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and derived products to the ...
Decision com(2011)282
05.05.2011  Allocation of funds decommitted from projects under the 9th and previous European Development Funds (EDF) for development cooperation in South Sudan Proposal for a ...
Decision com(2011)250