
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 11 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
14.10.2010  Financial contributions to be paid by the Member States to finance the European Development Fund in 2011 and 2012, including the first instalment for 2011.
Decision com(2010)556
11.10.2010  EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (EDF) Estimate of commitments and payments and of contributions to be paid by the Member States for 2010 to 2015.
Communication com(2010)557
07.10.2010  Financial contributions to be paid by the Member States to finance the European Development Fund (3rd instalment 2010).
Decision com(2010)551
28.06.2010  Annual Report 2010 on the EU's development and external assistance policies and their implementation in 2009 SEC(2010)773.
Report com(2010)335
28.06.2010  Rapport annuel 2010 sur les politiques de développement et de l'aide extérieure de l'Union européenne et leur mise en oeuvre en 2009.
15.06.2010  Financial information on the European Development Funds.
Communication com(2010)319
14.06.2010  Financial contributions to be paid by the Member States to finance the European Development Fund (2nd instalment 2010).
Decision com(2010)312
04.11.2009  European Development Fund (EDF) - Estimate of commitments and payments and of contributions to be paid by the Member States for 2009 to 2013.
Communication com(2009)616
05.10.2007  European Development Fund (EDF) - Estimate of commitments and payments and of contributions to be paid by the Member States for 2007 and 2008, and Forecast of ...
Communication com(2007)599
21.06.2007  Annual Report 2007 on the EC’s Development Policy and the Implementation of External Assistance in 2006.
Communication com(2007)349
13.06.2007  Financial Information on the European Development Funds.
Communication com(2007)326