
Legislation in force

There are at least 213 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
30.03.1992  PROPOSAL for a RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF the EC on a Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development.
Council resolution com(1992)23
24.03.1992  Conclusion of the convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context.
International agreement com(1992)93
18.03.1992  .
Decision sec(1992)494
10.03.1992  Signature of a Convention on global climate change.
Decision com(1992)76
05.03.1992  Signing the Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and international lakes ( UNECE, Geneva ).
Decision com(1992)70
31.01.1992  .
Decision sec(1992)167
11.12.1991  .
Decision sec(1991)2359
11.10.1991  Signing by the EC of the convention on the protection of the Alps.
Decision com(1991)367
17.07.1991  Accession by the EEC to the protocol to the geneva convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on the reduction of emissions of nitrogen oxides or their ...
International agreement com(1991)268
07.02.1991  Signature of the ece convention on environmental impact assessment in a transboundary context.
Decision sec(1991)213
22.09.1989  .
Decision sec(1989)1531
28.07.1989  Operational protection of outside workers exposed to ionizing radiation during their activities in installations in which such radiation is used.
Directive com(1989)376
09.06.1989  .
Decision sec(1989)928
15.03.1989  Signature of a global convention on the control of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes.
Decision com(1989)97
10.03.1989  Authorization of the Commission to take part, on behalf of the EC, in the negotiations on the adoption by the international Commission for the protection of the rhine ...
Recommendation com(1989)88
22.12.1988  Informing the population about health protection measures to be applied and steps to be taken in the event of a radiological emergency.
Directive com(1988)809
16.11.1988  Greenhouse effect and the EC.
Council resolution com(1988)656
31.08.1988  Protection of natural and semi-natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.
Directive com(1988)381
23.10.1987  Authorization of the Commission, on behalf of the EC, to negotiate within the oecd an international agreement on the control of transfrontier movements of hazardous ...
Recommendation com(1987)487
21.04.1987  Environmental pollution by cadmium: proposed action programme.
Communication com(1987)165
20.11.1986  Authorization of the Commission to participate in the negotiations for a protocol on chlorofluorocarbons to the vienna convention for the protection of the ozone layer.
Decision com(1986)602
24.09.1986  Draft for a resolution of the Council of the EC on the continuation and implementation of a European Community policy and action programme on the environment (1987-1992).
Council resolution com(1986)485
18.11.1985  .
Council resolution com(1985)639
31.07.1985  Consumer education in primary and secondary schools.
Council resolution com(1985)369
08.07.1985  Authorization of the Commission to negotiate measures concerning bathing water, shellfish water, shellfish intended for human consumption and mercury in marine products ...
Recommendation com(1985)362
04.07.1985  Authorization of the Commission, on behalf of the EC, to negotiate and sign an amendment to the convention for the prevention of marine pollution from land-based sources ...
Recommendation com(1985)347
21.05.1985  Authorization of the Commission to negotiate the convention for the protection of the rhine against thermal pollution.
Recommendation com(1985)227
14.03.1985  Signature of a global framework convention on the protection of the ozone layer.
Recommendation com(1985)106
17.01.1985  Limit values and quality objectives for discharges of certain dangerous substances included in list i in the annex to directive 76/464/eec.
Directive com(1984)772
07.09.1984  Signature of the protocol to the 1979 geneva convention on long-range transboundary air pollution on long-term financing of the cooperative programme for monitoring and ...
Recommendation com(1984)468
17.01.1984  Authorization of the Commission to take part in the negotiations on a protocol to the geneva convention of 1979 on long-range transboundary air pollution, in respect of ...
Recommendation com(1984)12
22.07.1983  .
Decision com(1983)476
06.10.1982  .
Regulation com(1982)639
06.07.1982  .
Directive com(1982)430
26.02.1982  .
Decision com(1982)79
16.02.1982  .
Decision com(1982)55
10.12.1981  .
Decision com(1981)780
25.11.1981  .
Decision com(1981)734
28.10.1981  .
Council resolution com(1981)626
07.10.1981  .
Decision com(1981)558
14.09.1981  .
Directive com(1981)512
13.07.1981  .
Decision com(1981)361
22.04.1981  Containers of liquids for human consumption.
Directive com(1981)187
11.02.1981  Limit values for discharges of cadmium into the aquatic environment and quality objectives for cadmium in the aquatic environment (submitted to the council by the ...
Directive com(1981)56
Directive com(1980)917
11.12.1980  Proposal for a COUNCIL DIRECTlVE on methods for the surveillance and monitoring of the environments affected by wastes from the titanium dioxide industry (Presented by ...
Directive com(1980)831
09.12.1980  .
Directive com(1980)844
03.12.1980  .
Directive com(1980)792
03.12.1980  .
Directive com(1980)793
14.11.1980  .
Decision com(1980)730