
Legislation in force

There are at least 213 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
31.05.2006  Amendment of Annex IV to Regulation 850/2004 on persistent organic pollutants.
Regulation com(2006)242
31.05.2006  Amendment of Annex V to Regulation 850/2004 on persistent organic pollutants.
Regulation com(2006)252
10.11.2005  Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of a maize product (Zea mays L., hybrid MON 863 x MON 810) genetically modified for resistance to corn ...
Decision com(2005)564
24.10.2005  Framework for Community Action in the field of Marine Environmental Policy (Marine Strategy Directive) [SEC(2005) 1290].
Directive com(2005)505
01.07.2005  Amendment of Annex II of Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of-life vehicles.
Decision com(2005)291
29.06.2005  Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of a maize product (Zea mays L., line 1507) genetically modified for resistance to certain lepidopteran ...
Decision com(2005)284
26.04.2005  Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of a maize product (Zea mays L. line MON 863) genetically modified for resistance to corn rootworm.
Decision com(2005)163
12.11.2004  Recommendation from the Commission to the Council for the EC to negotiate on an amendment to Article 2(10) and adjustments to the Montreal Protocol on substances that ...
Recommendation sec(2004)1376
08.10.2004  Signature of the Agreement with Switzerland concerning the latter's participation in the European Environment Agency and the European Environment Information and ...
Decision com(2004)658
08.09.2004  Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of an oilseed rape product (Brassica napus L., GT73 line) genetically modified for tolerance to the ...
Decision com(2004)572
04.08.2004  Proposals, on behalf of the EC and the Member States, for amendments to Annexes I - III of the 1998 Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air ...
Decision com(2004)537
29.07.2004  Proposal for a Council Decision - Proposal for a Council Decision on the EC position to be adopted on certain proposals submitted to the 13th meeting of the Conference ...
Decision com(2004)529
26.03.2004  Granting of Cyprus, Malta and Poland certain temporary derogations from Directive 2002/96/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Decision com(2004)214
26.03.2004  Placing on the market, in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC, of a maize product (Zea mays L. line NK603) genetically modified for glyphosate tolerance.
Decision com(2004)193
28.04.2003  Signature by the EC of the UN-ECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers.
Decision com(2003)209
28.04.2003  Signature of the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the 1991 UN/ECE Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context.
Decision com(2003)221
25.10.2002  EC position within the ACP-EC Council of Ministers regarding a decision on the reallocation of unallocated resources as well as uncommitted interest subsidies from the ...
Decision com(2002)582
20.09.2002  Criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste at landfills pursuant to Article 16 and Annex II of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste.
Decision com(2002)512
17.09.2002  Proposal for a Council Decision Proposal for a Council Decision on the EC position to be adopted on certain proposals submitted to the 12th meeting of the Conference of ...
Decision com(2002)516
15.01.2002  Signing of a new Protocol to the Barcelona Convention concerning cooperation in preventing pollution from ships and in combating pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by ...
Decision com(2002)11
02.05.2001  Signature of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
Decision com(2001)237
23.11.2000  .
Decision sec(2000)2018
20.09.2000  Participation of the EC in the twentieth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats.
Recommendation sec(2000)1528
06.09.2000  EC position within the Association Council on the participation of Hungary in the financial instrument of the EC for the environment (LIFE).
Decision com(2000)510
06.09.2000  EC position within the Association Council on the participation of Slovenia in the financial instrument of the EC for the environment (LIFE).
Decision com(2000)509
06.09.2000  EC position within the Association Council on the participation of Latvia in the financial instrument of the EC for the environment (LIFE).
Decision com(2000)508
06.09.2000  EC position within the Association Council on the participation of Romania in the financial instrument of the EC for the environment (LIFE).
Decision com(2000)505
06.09.2000  EC position within the Association Council on the participation of Estonia in the financial instrument of the EC for the environment (LIFE).
Decision com(2000)506
30.03.2000  Signature of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
Decision com(2000)182
14.07.1999  .
Decision sec(1999)1085
05.02.1999  Signature of the new Convention for the Protection of the Rhine.
Decision com(1999)51
27.01.1999  Setting of ecological criteria for the award of the EC eco-label to detergents for dishwashers.
Decision com(1999)23
07.10.1998  Incineration of waste.
Directive com(1998)558
14.08.1998  Substances that deplete the ozone layer.
Regulation com(1998)398
15.07.1998  Signature by the EC of the Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade.
Decision com(1998)437
09.07.1997  End of life vehicles.
Directive com(1997)358
05.06.1997  List referred to in the second paragraph of Article 3(1) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 3254/91 prohibiting the use of leghold traps in the EC and the introduction into ...
Decision com(1997)52
26.02.1997  Framework for Community action in the field of water policy.
Directive com(1997)49
30.07.1996  Waste policy.
Council resolution com(1996)399
20.05.1996  Placing on the market of genetically modified maize (Zea mays L.) with the combined modification for insecticidal properties conferred by the Bt-endotoxin gene and ...
Decision com(1996)206
26.09.1995  Signature by the EC of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds.
Decision com(1995)444
29.05.1995  Signature of the revised convention for the protection of the mediterranean sea against pollution, protocol for the prevention of pollution by dumping from ships and ...
Decision com(1995)202
17.05.1995  .
Decision sec(1995)730
23.11.1994  Signing of certain protocols to the alpine convention.
Recommendation com(1994)504
21.09.1994  List of hazardous waste pursuant to article 1(4) of Council Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste.
Decision com(1994)156
30.05.1994  Signature of the Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the Danube.
Decision com(1994)199
Decision com(1994)177
22.07.1992  Signature of the Convention on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic.
Decision com(1992)322
26.05.1992  Signature of a convention on the conservation of biological diversity.
Decision com(1992)186
31.03.1992  Signature of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (Helsinki Convention, as revised in 1992).
Decision sec(1992)609