
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 277 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
02.12.2022  Budgetary impact of the 2022 annual update of remuneration and pensions of the officials and other servants of the EU and the correction coefficients applied thereto.
Report com(2022)678
08.08.2022  2015-2020 report on the financial situation of the unemployment insurance scheme for unemployed former EU temporary or contract staff and EP assistants.
Report com(2022)388
22.03.2022  Information security in the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union.
Regulation com(2022)119
28.05.2021  Rules adopted by the appointing authority of each institution to give effect to the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2021)258
26.04.2021  Use made in 2019 by the institutions of Council Regulations No 495/77, last amended by Regulation No 1945/2006 (on standby duty), No 858/2004 (on particularly arduous ...
Report com(2021)204
02.03.2021  Pursuant to Article 77 of the Staff Regulations of Officials.
Report com(2021)94
15.02.2021  Use of contract staff in 2017 and 2018.
Report com(2021)60
30.11.2020  Data pertaining to budgetary impact of the 2020 annual update of remuneration & pensions of officials and other servants of the EU and correction coefficients ...
Report com(2020)773
08.10.2020  Use made in 2018 by the institutions of rules on standby duty, on particularly arduous working conditions and on shift work.
Report com(2020)634
23.03.2020  Report on financial situation of unemployment insurance scheme for former members of the TAs and APAs who are unemployed after termination of their service in a EU ...
Report com(2020)110
28.11.2019  Data pertaining to the budgetary impact of the 2019 annual update of remuneration and pensions of the servants of the EU and the correction coefficients applied thereto.
Report com(2019)617
08.05.2019  Use made in 2017 by the institutions of Council Regulations on standby duty, on particularly arduous working conditions, on shift work.
Report com(2019)217
14.12.2018  Application of Annex XII to the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2018)829
14.12.2018  Application of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations and Article 66a thereof.
Report com(2018)830
30.11.2018  Data pertaining to the budgetary impact of the 2018 annual update of remuneration and pensions of EU personnel and the correction coefficients applied thereto.
Report com(2018)781
08.08.2018  Use of contract staff in 2016.
15.06.2018  Report pursuant to Article 27 of the Staff Regulations of Officials and to Article 12 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the EU (Geographical balance).
Report com(2018)377
23.03.2018  Reform of the administrative structure of the European Schools.
Communication com(2018)152
19.01.2018  Allowances refered to in regulations on standby duty, on particularly arduous working conditions, and on shift work received by EU-officials in 2016.
Report com(2018)38
29.11.2017  Data pertaining to the budgetary impact of the 2017 annual update of remuneration and pensions of EU personnel and the correction coefficients applied thereto.
Report com(2017)699
26.10.2017  Rules adopted by the appointing authority of each institution to give effect to the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2017)632
22.06.2017  Use of contract staff in 2015.
Report com(2017)334
27.02.2017  Use made in 2015 by the institutions of Council Regulations on standby duty, on particularly arduous working conditions, and on shift work.
Report com(2017)96
06.01.2017  Use made in 2014 by the institutions of Council Regulations No 495/77.
Report com(2016)832
05.12.2016  2009-2015 report on the financial situation of the unemployment benefit scheme for former temporary or contract staff and accredited parliamentary assistants.
Report com(2016)754
16.11.2016  Data on the budgetary impact of the 2016 update of remuneration and pensions of the officials and other servants of the EU and the correction coefficients applied ...
Report com(2016)717
09.08.2016  Use of contract staff in 2014.
Report com(2016)499
02.12.2015  Data pertaining to budgetary impact of 2015 annual update of remuneration and pensions of officials and other servants of EU and the correction coefficients applied ...
Report com(2015)597
13.03.2015  Guidelines on key performance indicators (KPI) for directors of EU decentralised agencies.
Working paper swd(2015)62
23.02.2015  Use of contract staff in 2012 and 2013.
Report com(2015)67
15.09.2014  Use made in 2012 by EU institutions of regulations on standby duty, on particularly arduous working conditions and on shift work.
Report com(2014)571
16.07.2014  Articles 83 and 83a and Annex XII of the Staff Regulations Report on the 2011 update of the 2010 actuarial assessment of thePension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO).
16.07.2014  Accompanying the proposal: Adjustment, from 1 July 2011, of 1 July 2012 and 1 July 2013, the rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants ...
16.07.2014  Accompanying the proposal: Adjustment, from 1 July 2011, of 1 July 2012 and 1 July 2013, the rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants ...
16.07.2014  Accompanying the proposal: Adjustment, from 1 July 2011, of 1 July 2012 and 1 July 2013, the rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants ...
06.03.2014  Inter-institutional joint committees for certain policies regarding local agents.
07.11.2013  Eurostat Report on the 2013 update of the 2012 actuarial assessment of the Pension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO) accompanying the document: Adjustment, from 1 ...
07.11.2013  2013 Eurostat Report on the annual adjustment of remuneration and pensions of EU officials accompanying the document: Adjustment with effect from 1 July 2013 of the ...
31.10.2013  European Schools system in 2012.
Report com(2013)714
20.02.2013  Use made in 2011 by EU institutions of regulations on standby duty, particularly arduous working conditions and shift work.
Report com(2013)89
19.02.2013  Use of contract staff in 2011.
Report com(2013)87
18.01.2013  Interim evaluation of the ISA programme.
Report com(2013)5
09.01.2013  European School System in 2011.
Report com(2012)797
05.12.2012  2012 update of the 2008 actuarial assessment of the Pension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO) accompanying the document: Adjustment, from 1 July 2012, of the rate of ...
05.12.2012  Eurostat Report on the annual adjustment of remuneration and pensions of EU officials accompanying the document: Adjustment with the effect from 1 July 2012 of the ...
05.12.2012  On the exception clause (Article 10 of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations) accompanying the document: Adjustment with the effect from 1 July 2012 of the remuneration and ...
14.11.2012  Food and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation for the year 2011.
Report com(2012)659
13.11.2012  Implementation of the Council Recommendation (2009/C 151/01) on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections.
Report com(2012)658
06.11.2012  Application of Directive 2009/22/EC on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interest.
Report com(2012)635
31.08.2012  Exception clause (Article 10 of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations).
Report com(2012)476