
Legislative proposals in negotiation

There are 245 proposals for legislative or other legal instruments of this Directorate-General in negotiations with the Council and the European Parliament.
Date Title
05.12.2012  On the exception clause (Article 10 of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations) accompanying the document: Adjustment with the effect from 1 July 2012 of the remuneration and ...
14.11.2012  Food and food ingredients treated with ionising radiation for the year 2011.
Report com(2012)659
13.11.2012  Implementation of the Council Recommendation (2009/C 151/01) on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections.
Report com(2012)658
06.11.2012  Application of Directive 2009/22/EC on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interest.
Report com(2012)635
31.08.2012  Exception clause (Article 10 of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations).
Report com(2012)476
25.05.2012  Eurostat Report on the intermediate adjustment of remuneration and pensions of EU officials and other servants.
28.03.2012  Cooperation Mechanisms concerning the Management of Delegations of the EU.
07.02.2012  Pension Scheme of European Officials and Other Servants of the EU.
Report com(2012)37
19.12.2011  European Schools’ system in 2010.
Report com(2011)892
13.12.2011  Partial reallocation of the Commission's ex-Economat funds.
Communication com(2011)891
24.11.2011  Adjustment, from 1 July 2011, of the rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants of the EU.
Regulation com(2011)825
24.11.2011  Providing supplementary information to the Commission Report on the exception clause of 13 July 2011.
Communication com(2011)829
24.11.2011  COMMISSION STAFF WORING PAPER Eurostat Report on the annual adjustment of remuneration and pensions accompanying the document: Adjustment with the effect from 1 July ...
24.11.2011  COMMISSION STAFF WORING PAPER Eurostat report on the 2011 update of the 2010 actuarial assessment of the_Pension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO) accompanying the ...
23.11.2011  Use made in 2010 by the institutions of Council Regulations No 300/76, last amended by Regulation No 1873/2006 (on shift work), No 495/77, last amended by Regulation No ...
Report com(2011)781
23.11.2011  Use of contract staff in 2010.
Report com(2011)802
13.07.2011  Exception clause (Article 10 of Annex XI to the Staff Regulations).
Report com(2011)440
07.04.2011  Request to submit a proposal regarding the early retirement scheme for EU civil servants.
Communication com(2011)181
30.03.2011  EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN OLD AND NEW CAREER STRUCTURES Article 6 of the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2011)171
01.02.2011  Study on Article 45(2) of the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2011)42
16.12.2010  Towards interoperability for European public services.
Communication com(2010)744
13.12.2010  Addendum to the 1st September 2010 Eurostat report on the pension contribution rate of the Pension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO) concerning implementation of the ...
13.12.2010  Addendum to October 2010 Eurostat Report on the annual adjustment of remuneration and pensions of EU officials in accordance with Articles 64 and 65 of the Staff ...
01.12.2010  Use made in 2008 and 2009 by the institutions of Council Regulations No 300/76, last amended by Regulation No 1873/2006 (on shiftwork), No 495/77, last amended by ...
Report com(2010)702
19.11.2010  European Schools' system in 2009.
Report com(2010)595
18.11.2010  Eurostat Report on the annual adjustment of remuneration and pensions of EU officials - In accordance with the Articles 64, 65 and Annex XI of the Staff Regulations ...
18.11.2010  2010 update of the 2009 actuarial assessment of the Pension Scheme for European Officials (PSEO) - Accompanying document to the proposal for a Council Regulation ...
31.08.2010  2006-2008 Report on the financial situation of the EC unemployment benefit scheme for former members of the temporary staff and contract staff who are unemployed after ...
Report com(2010)449
18.08.2010  Eurostat study on the long-term budgetary implications of pension costs.
Working paper sec(2010)989
08.02.2010  Evaluation of the implementation of the early retirement measure - Article 9 of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations of Officials and Article 39 of the Conditions of ...
Report com(2010)28
29.10.2009  Functioning of the European School System in 2008.
Report com(2009)598
01.04.2009  Use made in 2007 by the institutions of Council Regulations 300/76, last amended by Regulation 1873/2006 (on shift work), 495/77, last amended by Regulation 1945/2006 ...
Report com(2009)152
12.11.2008  The Commission's ex-Economat off budget bank accounts.
Communication com(2008)692
26.09.2008  Annex XII to the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2008)592
10.07.2008  Annex XI to the Staff Regulations.
Report com(2008)443
24.06.2008  Annual Report from the European Commission to the European Parliament on the functioning of the European School System in 2007.
Communication com(2008)378
21.12.2007  Draft Council Regulation laying down the form of the laissez-passer issued to members and servants of the institutions.
Communication com(2007)849
06.11.2007  Rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants of the EC.
Communication com(2007)684
01.10.2007  Annual Report from the European Commission to the European Parliament on the functioning of the European School System 2006.
Communication com(2007)543
05.09.2007  Policy for the accommodation of commission services in Brussels and Luxembourg.
Communication com(2007)501
16.01.2007  1985-2005 Report on the financial situation of the EC unemployment benefit scheme for former temporary or contract agents who are unemployed after the termination of ...
Report com(2007)4
14.11.2006  Rate of contribution to the pension scheme of officials and other servants of the EC.
Communication com(2006)681
11.08.2006  Annual Report from the European Commission to the European Parliament on the functioning of the European School System 2005.
Report com(2006)451
19.01.2006  Court of Auditors Special Report No 5/2005 on interpretation expenditure incurred by the Parliament, the Commission and the Council.
21.12.2005  Progress Report on the Commission reform - Beyond the reform mandate.
Communication com(2005)668
17.11.2005  Special report by the European Ombudsman following the complaint 1391/2002/JMA against the European schools.
11.10.2005  Annual Report from the European Commission to the European Parliament on the Functioning of the European Schools System.
Report com(2005)482
20.07.2004  Consultation on options for developing the European schools system.
Communication com(2004)519
10.02.2004  Completing the reform mandate: progress report and measures to be implemented in 2004.
Communication com(2004)93
10.12.2003  Buildings policy and infrastructures in Brussels.
Communication com(2003)755