
Legislation in force

There are at least 9 laws or other legal instruments in force that have been previously proposed by undefined.
Date Title
11.01.2008  Conclusion of the Agreement with the Government of Korea concerning cooperation on anti-competitive activities.
Decision sec(2007)1731
21.01.2004  Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1177/2002 concerning a temporary defensive mechanism to shipbuilding.
Regulation com(2004)26
07.11.2001  EC position within the EC-Turkey Association Council, concerning a Decision of the EC-Turkey Association Council adopting the implementing rules necessary for the ...
Decision com(2001)632
19.03.1997  Aid to certain shipyards under restructuring.
Regulation com(1997)132
01.12.1993  .
Directive sec(1993)1891
25.05.1992  For changes to the Seventh Council Directive on aid to shipbuilding of 21 December 1990.
Directive sec(1992)991
17.12.1980  .
Directive com(1980)901
26.10.1977  .
Directive com(1977)517
13.07.1973  Control of concentrations between undertakings.
Regulation com(1973)1210